
My name is Manuel Delia and the first half of my career was as a full-time political operative in the Maltese scene. I was the first Christian Democrat candidate for the presidency of the national union of students and one of very few to have served consecutive terms. I then served as Press Secretary to Prime Minister Eddie Fenech Adami and after that for 10 years in various political offices of the Fenech Adami and Lawrence Gonzi administrations.

I worked under Richard Cachia Caruana, Austin Gatt and Claudio Grech, each of them mentors for a long apprenticeship.

In 2013 I unsuccessfully contested the general elections and have largely been out of the scene since then.

My training is in Politics (London School of Economics), International Relations and Communications.

This blog is my analysis of the ongoing political scene. With a little inside knowledge, some theoretical background and considerable experience in the field I will try to give you some insight that may help you scratch a little bit deeper beneath the surface.

You’re welcome to share your notes too.