THE SUNDAY TIMES: So fair and foul a day

2024-06-03T08:54:05+02:00Mon, 3rd Jun '24, 08:54|

From my article yesterday in The Sunday Times: "We have clamoured for an anti-mafia law for years now, since we realised in the horror of the killing of Daphne Caruana Galizia that this is the plague of our country. By now, we should have had an anti-mafia prosecution service, special anti-mafia trial procedures, an anti-mafia [...]

One time it will have been once too often

2024-06-03T08:49:59+02:00Mon, 3rd Jun '24, 08:49|

That fateful night when Ali Sadr Hashemi Nejad was spotted though not recognised by a film crew sneaking out of the back door of his bank, there was a moment of national crisis for the country. At least it felt like there should have been. Joseph Muscat had been long the suspect of wrongdoing for [...]

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