THE SUNDAY TIMES: Winter is coming

2023-10-23T06:04:48+02:00Mon, 23rd Oct '23, 06:04|

From my article in The Sunday Times yesterday:   "In November 2021, Times of Malta reported that Muscat received fat payments from a Swiss company, which in turn received millions from Steward Healthcare when they acquired the hospitals with his blessing. You see, VGH could not sell on the hospitals without the government’s permission. Under [...]

GUEST POST: When money talks, nobody checks the grammar

2023-10-21T07:08:03+02:00Sat, 21st Oct '23, 07:08|

People who demolish and construct buildings are euphemistically termed “developers”. I say euphemistically because the definition of a developer is “a person or firm that improves raw land with labour and capital and arranges for utilities and essential services in order to sell sub-divided parcels of land or to build structures for rent and/or for [...]

Abortive cynicism

2023-10-20T09:24:10+02:00Fri, 20th Oct '23, 09:24|

All political groupings in the European Parliament yesterday voted in a resolution on the rule of law in Malta. The resolution included an urging to introduce the right to abortion in our law which was a point the liberal grouping wanted added. Sources in the EP say that Labour MEP Cyrus Engerer pushed for the [...]

US Embassy: Daphne lives on in the fight she inspired

2023-10-16T09:49:18+02:00Mon, 16th Oct '23, 09:49|

Statement today by the US embassy: On October 16, 2017, Daphne Caruana Galizia was murdered in a heinous attack because she took risks to expose corruption.  Today, six years after the murder of Ms. Caruana Galizia, justice has not been fully served. We condemn those who would employ violence to silence dissenting voices.  The United [...]

Basic checks

2023-10-16T08:22:34+02:00Mon, 16th Oct '23, 08:22|

The private staff of ministers have access to influence on the conduct of the public’s affairs. The fact that ministers trust them should not be sufficient qualification. Ministers can’t know everything about their staff and the government should use the resources at its disposal to screen people it places in such positions. It is a [...]


2023-10-16T07:26:18+02:00Mon, 16th Oct '23, 07:26|

How did you go on? How did you pick up where you left off after three weeks of enjoying what it feels like to be away from it from a while? What kept you from feeling that being alone was not worth all that you had to give up? Even without considering the fear of [...]

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