Rule by decree

2023-07-22T08:11:53+02:00Sat, 22nd Jul '23, 08:11|

I wrote a few days ago that the first reason by tyrannies flounder is that there’s no one to prevent political leaders from making stupid mistakes. Leaders of democracies have an equal potential to blunder but checks and balances along the way can slow them down. Insider reports on the days leading to Robert Abela’s [...]

Pear-shaped Robert

2023-07-22T07:30:08+02:00Sat, 22nd Jul '23, 07:30|

Napoleon died in exile in St Helena in 1821. In his will he asked to be buried in Paris but at the time of his death the British refused a French request to return his remains. In 1840 King Louis-Philippe’s popularity was waning and he thought it would be a good PR stunt to bring [...]

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