Is this computer misuse?

2023-09-29T10:04:28+02:00Fri, 29th Sep '23, 10:04| Speaking for someone’s right to put up a meme that makes light of Down’s Syndrome is an unenviable job. They say that if you want to be funny punch up, not down. Mock those more powerful than you and you’ll get a laugh out of us. Mock the less powerful and nobody, apart from [...]

Speaking for the washed up

2023-09-29T08:35:48+02:00Fri, 29th Sep '23, 08:35|

If there’s any advice I should ever find myself giving, that would be not to take my advice. I have no illusion of knowledge or life experience that could endow me with any confidence I might foresee a tsunami before it drowns me and everyone else.  Also, I’m acutely aware of my inconsistencies, attitudes that [...]

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