Examining the power of incumbency

2017-07-14T14:32:26+02:00Sat, 10th Jun '17, 10:58|

Exchanging votes for jobs and favours is an exercise in mutual contempt of the democratic process. It is also something that anecdotally appears to have been an exceptionally influential feature of the last election. It will not change anything to the outcome but there are lessons to be learnt here. If our democracy is to [...]

GUEST POST: On resisting cult leaders

2017-06-10T10:18:00+02:00Sat, 10th Jun '17, 10:18|

The following was sent in by someone known to me but who must remain anonymous because of their line of work. It is an interesting comparative analysis with some recommendations on what alternative methods could be useful in responding to the popularity of the cult of our own strong man:Four years ago, I was disappointed [...]

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