The dignity of the functions of prime minister

2023-11-08T13:16:25+01:00Wed, 8th Nov '23, 13:16|

Photo: Domenic Aquilina/ EPA-EFA/Shutter stock That’s what he said was on his mind, when Antonio Costa, until then the socialist prime minister of Portugal,resigned from his post yesterday. “The dignity of the functions of prime minister is not compatible with any suspicion about his integrity, his good conduct and even less with the [...]

Inequality before the law

2023-11-08T10:30:05+01:00Wed, 8th Nov '23, 10:30|

Silvio Grixti came out of his cave yesterday. He sent a pointed rhetorical question addressed to Deputy Prime Minister Chris Fearne. Why weren’t publicly known allegations of medical certificates fraud not investigated by the police, he asked? The press tried to reach the disgraced former Labour backbencher to get out of him details about the [...]

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