Vestal red herrings

2023-11-20T14:11:53+01:00Mon, 20th Nov '23, 14:11|

There were two sets of laws proposed in separate announcements today. The government announced a new law criminalising virginity testing. The law makes it illegal to force a woman to test whether she’s ever had vaginal intercourse. Virginity tests are a horrible thing. They legitimise brutal violation of a woman’s dignity and excuse flagrant discrimination. [...]

Taking responsibility or not

2023-11-20T13:26:24+01:00Mon, 20th Nov '23, 13:26|

It feels almost ridiculous to explain why people are angry that a block of apartment has been permitted for construction close to the Ġgantija Temples. There’s some debate as to whether the planning board that gave the approval was given the information it needed to decide. The board was told the new building is outside [...]

THE SUNDAY TIMES: Silvio’s Facebook post

2023-11-20T10:08:52+01:00Mon, 20th Nov '23, 10:08|

From my article in The Sunday Times yesterday: "Daphne Caruana Galizia summarised it in one of her more brilliant and memorable analyses published on July 3, 2015: 'There is corruption everywhere in the world, literally everywhere, and at every level. The difference is that in Malta people have a corrupt attitude towards corruption. They blank [...]

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