The bigger problem

2023-05-24T12:29:21+02:00Wed, 24th May '23, 12:29|

Other things have happened since, so the small controversy after the Commissioner for Standards in Public Life’s decision not to investigate Arnold Cassola’s complaint about Kurt Farrugia’s and Paul Zahra’s failure to cooperate with the Auditor General has largely been forgotten already. But I was on holiday so bear with me while I catch up. [...]

THE SUNDAY TIMES: Catching the Penguin

2023-05-21T07:23:43+02:00Sun, 21st May '23, 07:23|

From my article in The Sunday Times today: "The Batman is a symbol of hope for a cartoonist who has given up on the ability or willingness of ordinary forces of law to fight on the side of justice and lock up the supervillains that plague us. Of course, we can draw cartoons and read [...]

GUEST POST: The PM doth protest too much, methinks

2023-05-20T18:38:30+02:00Sat, 20th May '23, 18:38|

There are those who have alleged that our Prime Minister was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. What he definitely has in his mouth is his foot. ‘I have no right to try and condition or interfere with the ongoing investigative process’ were his words quoted by a local newspaper in reference to [...]

GUEST POST: The truth will eventually always surface

2023-05-20T18:35:12+02:00Sat, 20th May '23, 18:35|

However deep the secrets behind the rape of Malta by Joseph Muscat, Keith Schembri, Konrad Mizzi, and Edward Scicluna are buried there will always be a day of reckoning. That day is getting closer and closer because, just like the secret behind the emperor’s donkey’s ears which the hairdresser with access to the secret could [...]

RIGHT OF REPLY: From Chetcuti Cauchi Advocates

2023-05-17T15:00:51+02:00Wed, 17th May '23, 15:00|

The below was sent in by a Dr Charlene Mifsud in response to this earlier post. As usual comments are not posted under a post carrying a reply. In your blogpost, you allege that in his work as an IIP agent under the 2014 Individual Investor Programme, a lawyer at the firm raised funds from [...]

#occupyjustice: Reopen the Egrant inquiry

2023-05-17T08:30:32+02:00Wed, 17th May '23, 08:30|

Statement by #occupyjustice On Tuesday, #occupyjustice staged a protest outside Castille to draw attention to the fact that, in spite of recent revelations regarding the Egrant Inquiry and all the dirty manoeuvres by Pilatus Bank officials and employees, there hasn’t been so much as a peep of action from the Floriana Police Depot or the [...]

Licence to harass

2023-05-16T09:01:01+02:00Tue, 16th May '23, 09:01|

A few weeks ago, I wrote about the acquittal of an alleged rapist who was accused of having forced himself on his colleague inside a police station. In that case the accused admitted he had raped the victim when interrogated by the police but the judge ruled the evidence inadmissible because when he was served [...]


2023-05-16T08:33:21+02:00Tue, 16th May '23, 08:33|

We’ve been waiting for the final NAO report on the hospitals swindle. We’ve been waiting since at least 2019 when we filed and fought in court to start an inquiry into the crimes we were alleging happened in the hospitals concession. We filed in court because the police and the AG ignored the evidence, particularly [...]

It’s not just about libel

2023-05-15T16:31:09+02:00Mon, 15th May '23, 16:31|

One TV has called me many things it would consider insulting. It has called me an extremist, a Nationalist, and a campaigner ‘against Malta’. It has reported as a negative that for some time I lived in Zimbabwe. It marks periodically, nearly thirteen years after the fact, the bus reform with which my name was [...]

GUEST POST: Once upon a time there was politics

2023-05-15T10:38:04+02:00Mon, 15th May '23, 10:38|

The problems of this country today are not confined to criminal-scandals perpetuated by the government and by an assortment of citizens now in survival mode. The diagnosis of prevailing maladies identifies a dysfunctional economy that passed its expiry date, a conglomerate of ill prepared and uninspiring politicians, the thorough erosion of all state apparatus; finally, [...]

Extreme dysfunction

2023-05-15T07:39:15+02:00Mon, 15th May '23, 07:39|

Read this article in yesterday’s The Malta Independent by Professor Kevin Aquilina, who teaches and researches law at the university. He’s no big fan of Repubblika. A few days ago, he criticised our decisions about the Pilatus case where we anticipated possible court orders to discuss the evidence we had in hand behind closed doors, [...]

Anatomy of a scandal

2023-05-17T16:26:04+02:00Fri, 12th May '23, 13:12|

I’m sorry if I’m not letting go of this bone quite yet. Illum last Sunday screamed tabloid headlines that Repubblika “accepted” donations from applicants for citizenship despite its publicly and loudly declared objections to the scheme. In this other post I explained my wonder at how they reached that conclusion when they had no basis [...]

Thanks but no thanks

2023-05-12T11:49:45+02:00Fri, 12th May '23, 11:49|

Scroll down for a copy of the letter Robert Aquilina sent today to an individual who had donated €1,500 to Repubblika last year. When last Sunday, we saw ourselves on Illum’s front page, accused of “accepting” a donation from someone who was looking to buy Maltese citizenship we were aghast. We felt guilty of the [...]

Super Silvio

2023-05-09T15:49:34+02:00Tue, 9th May '23, 15:47|

Read this first. You may have dismissed that piece of news as the collective moaning of a bunch of gamblers who gambled away their money and are trying to get it back, refusing to accept the stakes of their foolish playing. What follows is not a sob story about gambling addiction. The complaint to the [...]

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