The only ‘good news’ the government is in a position to announce are promises to fix the messes they made

2022-02-15T10:51:41+01:00Tue, 15th Feb '22, 10:51|

The prime minister announced that the government will be taking back the Żonqor area and the Senglea open space that had been allocated to the phantom so-called American University of Malta. He announced it the way he meant it to sound, like a gift by the government to its core constituency, entitling him to their [...]

Mock shock

2022-02-15T10:27:00+01:00Tue, 15th Feb '22, 10:27|

Jacob Borg striding inches behind politicians rushing towards the safety of that fortress we still call the Auberge de Castille, one hand in his pocket like a rebel without a cause, the other holding up a microphone, is fast becoming a sub-genre of contemporary, low-budget, Maltese cinema. His latest guest star, Robert Abela, must surely [...]

Resistance is not futile

2022-02-17T10:04:15+01:00Mon, 14th Feb '22, 09:04|

Although that is what they want you think. Switching a rotten prime minister with another rotten prime minister is neither progress in and of itself nor is it an opening to secure fairness, truth, and justice. If we stop now, they win. They’ve used all their resources for four and half years in the hope [...]

Iron curtain newspapers

2022-02-14T08:53:18+01:00Mon, 14th Feb '22, 08:53|

Newsbook reported yesterday that the General Workers’ Union has suspended the editor of its newspapers l-orizzont and it-Torċa apparently because of some disagreement over pieces critical of the Labour Party. Details are still coming out and the editor himself, Victor Vella, hasn’t said anything yet but a closer look at what happened paints a very [...]

This is a truel

2022-02-13T12:29:03+01:00Sun, 13th Feb '22, 10:38|

About 15 months ago I wondered aloud how Robert Abela came to be so wealthy. We’re starting to get answers. Here’s what The Sunday Times’s story of this morning means. At least in one case that we know of so far, Robert Abela billed a client for legal services in a creative manner. When you [...]

THE SUNDAY TIMES: Double punch

2022-02-13T10:05:36+01:00Sun, 13th Feb '22, 10:05|

From my article in The Sunday Times today: "Forty thousand’ they say, warning their opponents that, once the result of the next election is known, they’ll have no choice but to shut up, perhaps leave the country. They don’t necessarily address that to the opposition in the wider sense as much as to Times of [...]

Brainless idiot

2022-02-11T08:50:10+01:00Fri, 11th Feb '22, 08:50|

Desmond Zammit Marmara, it is the fate of democrats like you and me to learn to live with the fact that we have resigned our fate to the determination of, as you call them, “brainless idiots”. I will also use your words to describe those of us who are not brainless idiots: “intellectuals”. You insist [...]

Hail Malta, full of hate

2022-02-11T10:19:42+01:00Fri, 11th Feb '22, 08:08|

Roberta Metsola, President of the European Parliament, yesterday included in her whirlwind program a visit to the site where what was left of Daphne Caruana Galizia was recovered after her death in October 2017. Roberta Metsola followed her predecessors and colleagues at the highest levels of European institutions. The visit should be as uncontroversial as [...]


2022-02-09T16:11:43+01:00Wed, 9th Feb '22, 16:11|

Parliament is debating a new law that will criminalise cyberstalking and cyberbullying. Anyone convicted of these new crimes is looking at a maximum of 5 years in prison. Cyberstalking happens when someone attempts to cause harm to someone else by contacting them over some device, or causes their computer or device to do something, or [...]

Electoral ennui (Part 2)

2022-02-09T10:51:22+01:00Wed, 9th Feb '22, 10:51|

In the first part of this article, I argued that rather than bringing to a head the important issues facing our country, the proximity of the general election is slowing down progress, deflating interest, and generally chilling the passions they have, in the past, inflamed. Here are 6 examples of what I mean by important [...]

An appeal

2022-02-10T19:24:26+01:00Wed, 9th Feb '22, 10:48|

Every page on this website that you visit asks for your financial support so this show is kept on the road. It’s inevitable that what is always there is, over time, ignored as background noise. I thank every subscriber that supports this website with automatic monthly payments. You are not many, which makes your generosity [...]

Electoral ennui (Part 1)

2022-02-09T10:51:50+01:00Wed, 9th Feb '22, 10:45|

One of Michael McIntyre’s more relatable skits is the one about walking under the street decorations bombarded by that Mariah Carey song and saying ‘I don’t know what it is but I just haven’t felt Christmassy yet this year. I’m trying. I just got nothing.’ And then it comes, in the latter part of December, [...]

House-keeping notice

2022-02-09T10:42:42+01:00Wed, 9th Feb '22, 10:42|

If you’ve visited this website over the last couple of days you will have been prompted by a notice about cookies asking you to confirm whether you agree or disagree with the storage of data about your visit. This short note is here to tell you that the notice is indeed part of this website [...]

A pulpit in cinemascope

2022-02-09T10:40:59+01:00Wed, 9th Feb '22, 10:40|

The Italians use the idiom ‘da quale pulpito viene la predica’. Look at this sermon by one Justin Farrugia, an audio-visual company owner who, bucking the trend set by other film-makers and TV producers, thought that the €2 million film awards night (the figure is unconfirmed but undenied by the government) was a great idea. [...]

Other ways in

2022-02-07T14:34:23+01:00Mon, 7th Feb '22, 14:34|

A few days ago, I wrote about a relatively minor cock up by the foreign office when they forgot to ask Parliament’s nominations committee to interview and vote on someone they nominated to be our ambassador to Ireland. Preparing that piece, I read up on the rules. Foreign office employees do not need to be [...]

Silver spoons

2022-02-07T11:02:21+01:00Mon, 7th Feb '22, 11:02|

Reverse engineer the discourse of Labour Party politicians to work out what’s worrying them in the data they’re reading. Worrying is relative. They’re not worried they will be losing the election. But they are worried about trends in their support base that could prove to be the thin end of a wedge that could lift [...]

Steward’s threat to out Joseph Muscat

2022-02-07T13:00:28+01:00Mon, 7th Feb '22, 09:50|

Nadine Delicata, president of Steward Health Care Malta uses this morning’s Times of Malta to indict the government about the state of the three formerly publicly hospitals they run. But first she lashes out at “everyone on the island” because of what she suggests are baseless opinions “trotted out for political point-scoring” forgetting Steward’s hard-working [...]

After George

2022-02-04T14:26:11+01:00Fri, 4th Feb '22, 08:58|

It is to George Hyzler’s credit that many interpreted the news the prime minister will nominate him to the court of auditors as a way of getting him out of the government’s way. I don’t think anyone agrees with all his decisions. He could have taken up cases and investigated complaints he found creative reasons [...]

Robert Abela needs thicker socks

2022-02-03T16:36:15+01:00Thu, 3rd Feb '22, 16:36|

He’s having cold feet about the election date. Apparently. He had almost made up his mind about a March election but he's not so sure anymore. Short of an Atocha bombing there’s little to shake the expectation of a Labour landslide whenever it is during the next 6 months that the election is called for. [...]

Greedy bastards

2022-02-03T12:57:32+01:00Thu, 3rd Feb '22, 11:05|

  Robert Abela said this morning Joseph Muscat was given government property in Pietà for his personal use “as part of his severance package”. The office needed to be searched by the police for evidence of a crime for us to even ever know about it. Which can mean there’s more to the severance package [...]

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