If you’ve visited this website over the last couple of days you will have been prompted by a notice about cookies asking you to confirm whether you agree or disagree with the storage of data about your visit.

This short note is here to tell you that the notice is indeed part of this website and not the product of some sabotage from outside.

I needed to say this, and I should have thought of doing so before, because after all the spoofing and other creative attempts to sabotage this website over the years of its brief existence, some website users contacted me to make sure this wasn’t yet another attempt to cause harm.

It isn’t. It’s actually a legal obligation that I not only give visitors to my website the option to opt out of cookies (which I always did) but also to inform them of that option (which I now am).

I can think of no reason why you wouldn’t want to allow the website to store cookies when you visit but that is entirely up to you.

So, make up your mind either way, and on with the reading. Thank you for being here again.