Concluding part of this series. The first part is here.


Dr Vincent Galea: Il-kontenut ta’ dan ir-rapport li inti qrajt allura, iddiskutejtu ma’ membri tal-Gvern jew ma’ membri tal-Partit Laburista?

Dr Owen Bonnici: Assolutament le, assolutament le.

Dr Vincent Galea: Lil xi Ministru iehor? Biex inkun car, ikunx hemm Ministru X u jghidlek isma x’hemm fih din l-inkjesta, jew tighidlu isma ma hemm xejn f’din l-inkjesta jew, qed insaqsik biss?

Dr Owen Bonnici: Biex nippreciza. In-nies fit-triq qamet agha fil-pajjiz, agha kbira hafna, kienu xxukjati n-nies u ma hemmx kuluri politici, n-nies kollha kienu xxukjati illi l-inkjesta sabet li kien hemm min iffalsifika d-dokumenti bil-ghan li familja nnocenti tinstab hatja, filfatt dak il-fatt ixxokkja hafna hafna nies, allura naturali li n-nies kellmuni dwar il-konkluzzjonijiet pubblici li kien hemm dwar il-falsifikazzjoni u jien ovvjament tkellimt man-nies dwar dak li kien pubbliku. Dwar dak li ma kienx pubbliku, jien ma tkellimt ma’ hadd.

Dr Vincent Galea: Dwar dak li ma kienx pubbliku int ma tkellimt ma’ hadd?

Dr Owen Bonnici: Le hlief in-nies li semmejt, li Kurt Farrugia mieghu tkellimt, iktar dwar kwistjoni, iktar dwar dettalji tal-inkjesta ghax huma punti legali fil-verita, iktar punti teknici. Le ma tkellimt ma’ ebda persuna. Jien l-interess tieghi huwa l-aktar li nipprotegi persuni terzi li ghandhom dettalji privati inkluzi fl-inkjesta  fil-kaz tal-eventwali pubblikazzjoni jigiieri din hija xi haga importanti ux hekk. Jekk inti ghandek xi had li ghandu kont bankarju f’Malta u huwa barrani per ezempju, ma ghandu x’jaqsam xejn u d-dettalji tal-kont personali tieghu jigu ppubblikati mal-erbat irjieh, din hija xi haga importanti li wiehed jaraha u l-impatt illi dan jista’ jhalli fuq il-guridizzjoni Maltija bhala post fejn in-nies jigu u jinqdew mis-servizzi finanzjarji. Nahseb ghalhekk fl-istqarrija tal-Prim Ministru li ta on Sunday, ghamilha cara l-Prim Ministru at that stage li kien ghaddej process liema huma l-partijiet ta’ individwi li ma ghandhom x’jaqsmu xejn mal-politika u l-unika haga li jaghmlu hija li ddepositaw flus f’dan il-bank jew li ghandhom konnessjoni ma’ Malta u hu semma illli wiehed qieghed jara li lkun hemm din ir-redection li semmejt u din xi haga ragonata, jigifieri ma kull min tkellimt jigifieri b’mod generali, mhux dettalji, nahseb hawn qbil li jkun hemm redection, ma’ sibt lil hadd li jghidli li dettalji personali ta’ individwi ghandhom jigu ppublikati mal-erbat irjieh.

Dr Vincent Galea: Mhux hekk il-mistoqsija kienet Onorevoli. Jigifieri int qed tghidli li partijiet mill-konkluzzjoni li ma gewx ippubblikati mill-Avukat Generali, ma gewx diskussi mInnek?

Dr Owen Bonnici: Jiena? Le le ma ddiskutejtx.

Dr Vincent Galea: Intlabt informazzjoni dwar il-kontenut ta’ din l-inkjesta minn membri tal-Gvern jew minn membri tal-Partit Laburista?

Dr Owen Bonnici: Le ghax nahseb li lanqas kienu jafu li ghandi kopja tal-inkjesta.

Dr Vincent Galea: L-Avukat Generali semma’ illi u anke inti semmejtha wkoll, semma l-kwistoni tal-investigazzjonijiet, allura fid-dawl ta’ din id-dikjarazzjoni li hemm investigazzjonijiet ghaddejjin bil-Pulizia etc, inti kopja ta’ din l-inkjesta , lill-Ministru tal-Intern ma ghaddejtlux?

Dr Owen Bonnici: Le ma ghaddejtlux, assolutament. Ghandi nifhem, mhux ghandi nifhem l-Pulizija ghandhom kopja tal-inkjesta ux, naturali tohrog mill-ligi dik.

Dr Vincent Galea: Irridu jitla’ jixhed il-Kummissarju.

Dr Owen Bonnici: Le imma naturali li l-Pulizija jkollha kopja tal-inkjesta shiha. Jien ma ghaddejt l-ebda kopja lil ebda membru tal-kabinett.

Dr Vincent Galea: U lanqas iddiskutejt? L-ebda parti mill-inkjesta, ma’ hadd?

Dr Owen Bonnici: Le.

Dr Owen Bonnici – So you and the people were terribly shocked with the news about the reported forged signature, which, to date, none of us has been allowed to sight, and which, according to you, was done so that an innocent family will be found guilty. I ask: where were you, when the person exposing the Egrant reality, was hacked, intimidated, stalked, insulted, mortally wounded financially and psychologically, by cabinet and parliamentary colleagues of yours, and by the filth of your party’s radio and television stations and government-sponsored hate machines, which led to the clear risk of some other heinous car bomb, to give her a lesson, to mortally wound the freedom of the press, and to hopefully silence all those who stand up against your regime’s factual daily corruptive practices?

Owen Bonnici – Where are you today with finding out who forged the signature? All we know is that your puppet police regime has been carrying out some ghost investigation for over a year and still seem to be chasing shadows or identifying the right person to frame-up?

Owen Bonnici – Do you mean to tell us that this allegedly poor innocent family has suffered more than a family, which has factually lost a member to a bomb and, which you yourself continue to hurt out of spite and hate, evert time you happily order the cleanout of her memorial?

Owen Bonnici – Why have you not convinced the head of this innocent family, who happens to be the Prime Minister, to set up an independent public inquiry on the assassination of Daphne Caruana Galizia and to identify whether and/or what role your Government and/or individual colleagues, within the Cabinet of Ministers and within your political circles, may have had in this heinous crime or inconveniently not preventing it from happening?

Owen Bonnici – You have still not commented on why Jason Azzopardi hinted that you have the same information he seems to have, on who the masterminds of this heinous assassination were. Please note that if you do so, your colleague Minister Farrugia may have been right when he hinted some six months ago, that information on the identity of the masterminds, may already be in the possession of the Police. Also, one has the right to ask you: why are you and your Prime Minister so mysteriously protecting such possible information, if not from the public, at least, from the victim’s family? Is one to understand that the perpetrators may be too closely associated with the Government, or perhaps you need more time to make another mammoth cover up like you seemingly did with the Egrant inquiry?

Owen Bonnici: When asked whether you discussed anything in the report that was not made public, you categorically replied that you did not. This is interesting, as you automatically exclude yourself from being the person to pass on unpublished information in the inquiry report to your colleague Ministers Edward Scicluna, Konrad Mizzi and Christian Cardona. In doing so, you are obviously passing on the buck to anyone of the Prime Minister, Kurt Farrugia, the Attorney General and Dr Pawlu Lia.

Dr Owen Bonnici: In reply to this question, you carried on by saying that, you spoke to no one about it, because your only interest was more to protect third persons who have private details included in the inquiry, and this more so because of eventual publication, and that this, to you, was something important. You then explained this by saying that if there was someone who had a bank account in Malta, and happened to be a foreigner with nothing to do about this inquiry, and his personal bank account details are published widely in Malta and overseas, this could have a negative impact on our jurisdiction by those who use Malta for financial services.

You then qualify your statement further by saying that you think that this is why the Prime Minister, on Sunday, in making a case for redaction of the report, made it clear in his press conference that, at that stage, when a process was ongoing to identify the script where individuals, who play no part in politics and whose only ‘fault’ was that of depositing money in this bank, or who have connections with Malta there was no case for the publication of the full inquiry report.

Dr Owen Bonnici: You may wish to note that, in his testimony in Court, the Prime Minister never made any reference to bank account deposits by foreign persons, to justify the reason for reneging on his promise to publish the full document. Please note that the reason given under oath by the Prime Minister was that as stated by the Attorney General, the only fault that such persons may have, is that their name may be the same as his or that of Michelle Muscat. I, therefore, ask you: who is being economical with the truth? You, the Prime Minister and the AG, or all of you?

Dr Owen Bonnici: Dr Galea told you that you had misunderstood his question and that he was only asking you whether you had been asked for information about the contents of the inquiry report by members of Government or members of the Labour Party. Your reply to this, was a No and you said that you even doubted whether they knew that you had a copy of the inquiry. My comment on this is that Marines are debarred from Malta because of our Constitutional Neutrality clause, however, their ghosts still seem to be flying around for someone like you.