Crisis of faith

2017-08-25T17:25:06+02:00Fri, 25th Aug '17, 17:25|

I am not going to paste screenshots. I am not going to quote names. I am not going to link to Facebook profiles. It would be legitimate to do so but all I have left is the hope I am wrong and in case I am at least right about that, I don’t want to [...]

Animals sleeping in beds … without sheets

2017-08-25T12:33:05+02:00Fri, 25th Aug '17, 12:33|

Evarist Bartolo and Owen Bonnici indulged in a bit of inelegant semantic acrobatics when they explained donations they got for their political campaigns from people they appointed on the public payroll to advise them in their Ministerial roles. This is from Ivan Camilleri’s report in The Times: “The ministerial code of ethics lays down that: [...]

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