In response to my earlier post where I pointed out that Judge Antonio Mizzi is presumed to be a candidate for the upcoming vacancy of Chief Justice of the Maltese courts, I received the following eminently pertinent comment:

“I would add that the Attorney General is also a presumed candidate for the upcoming vacancy of Chief Justice of the Maltese courts.”

Obviously Antonio Mizzi and Peter Grech are making star appearances in an altogether different drama right now exercising the discretion granted to them at law by virtue of their present positions on whether to allow or suppress investigations into allegations of corruption and wrong doing by the prime minister and the rest of the Panama gang.

One would also presume they are performing their current roles without any thought of punishment or reward from the people that would be the subject to these investigations and who are also the ones to decide who gets promoted next to the topmost non-elected legal office in the country.

Alas poor country.