One more reason to quit

2023-03-27T12:58:16+02:00Mon, 27th Mar '23, 12:58|

Young and old, Maltese and Gozitans, partisans and neutrals, Nationalists or Labourites, all do not trust the police to act in a case that may embarrass, or bring about criminal consequences, in Joseph Muscat. For 9 years Joseph Muscat told us to trust the police force while he hired and fired a series of police [...]

The country needs a political solution

2023-03-27T10:53:15+02:00Mon, 27th Mar '23, 10:53|

It is not just a feeling. Polling consistently shows that one of two realities that have been nearly immutable since 2008 has now changed. The reality that remains in place is that if an election were held tomorrow Labour would win with a handsome majority. There were times when its advantage over the PN was [...]

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