GUEST POST: The trickle-down effect

2020-03-08T10:05:49+01:00Sun, 8th Mar '20, 10:05|

If you haven’t watched The Laundromat yet, I highly recommend you do. It’s a film based on the Panama Papers starring Meryl Streep who dedicated her performance to Daphne Caruana Galizia, a journalist ‘killed while collecting Panama Papers information.’  This tribute was made before the arrest of Yorgen Fench whose offshore company 17 Black was [...]

The madness in the plague

2020-03-08T07:42:30+01:00Sun, 8th Mar '20, 07:42|

I have not written anything about COVID-19. Dealing with disease is a science and seeking to contain its consequences involves the science of managing prejudice, sometimes mass hysteria. Polemicists are useful for politics or sport or culture. Anything beyond science is a distraction for medicine. So, I will not comment on whether I think the [...]

GUEST POST: The anatomy of a Mafia State (1)

2020-03-08T07:11:07+01:00Sun, 8th Mar '20, 07:11|

Sent in by someone known to me: The secret of a great success for what you are at a loss to account is a crime that has never been found and because it was properly executed. – Honoré de Balzac A mafia state has been defined as a state system where the government is tied [...]

UPDATED: 16 March (virtual) Vigil

2020-03-16T18:33:29+01:00Fri, 6th Mar '20, 09:22|

Monday 16th March, 2020: 6:30pm 29 months. 126 weeks. The assassination of Daphne Caruana Galizia deprived a family of a wife, mother, sister and daughter. It also deprived us of her voice as an independent journalist, crucial to our fragile democracy and our right to know the truth. They tried to silence her to cover [...]

Ivan Camilleri files judicial protest against his former employer

2020-03-07T10:01:52+01:00Fri, 6th Mar '20, 09:18|

Former Times of Malta journalist Ivan Camilleri filed a judicial protest against his former employer demanding compensation for what he insists is his unlawful dismissal. Ivan Camilleri was dismissed on the same day that the directors of the company that owns the Times newspapers accused him of shoplifting and of tipping Yorgen Fenech off ahead [...]

Ali Sadr trial suspended because of coronavirus scan

2020-03-05T18:52:18+01:00Thu, 5th Mar '20, 18:52|

Proceedings in the US trial against Ali Sadr Hashemi Nejad being held in the Southern District of New York building in lower Manhattan have been suspended after presiding judge Alison Nathan was informed that the US Centre for Disease Control (CDC) had contacted one of the prospective jurors in the case about possible contagion of [...]

GUEST POST: The Collapse of Malta

2020-03-05T09:27:57+01:00Thu, 5th Mar '20, 09:27|

The photo of EC Malta flooding the media this week was, to put it mildly, shocking. I lived and worked in Malta for 12 years. For 9 of those, I taught English at EC Malta. The horror of that photo, with EC seemingly perched on the knife-edge of collapse, starkly sums up how far Malta [...]

Tomorrow we go back to digging

2020-03-05T09:07:05+01:00Thu, 5th Mar '20, 09:07|

Yesterday’s guest post by Vincent De Gaetano presented the all-important argument really. He was reacting to the death of Miriam Pace whose funeral is being celebrated today after she died when her house collapsed in a heap of rubble and rolled down a deep chasm at the construction site next door. The words ‘tragic’ and [...]

Ali Sadr’s Henley citizenship brought up in trial

2020-03-05T08:29:36+01:00Thu, 5th Mar '20, 08:29|

Ali Sadr’s Hashemi Nejad’s citizenship was brought up at his trial yesterday as the government presented a witness to explain how Ali Sadr obtained the citizenship of Saint Kitts and Nevis, a Caribbean island with a population of less than 60,000 people. St Kitts and Nevis was the jurisdiction where Henley & Partners launched their [...]

GUEST POST: I am angry

2020-03-04T09:45:23+01:00Wed, 4th Mar '20, 09:43|

When on Monday afternoon, on returning from lecturing at the university, my wife told me that another building next to a construction site had collapsed and that a woman was still under the rubble, I felt the same anguish that I imagine my late mother must have felt every time she recounted how she had [...]

Defence attorney says Ali Sadr is “pure of heart”

2020-03-03T17:23:36+01:00Tue, 3rd Mar '20, 17:23|

Ali Sadr Hashemi Nejad’s defence lawyer Reid Weingarten gave his opening remarks on behalf of his client today at Ali Sadr’s trial for bank fraud and sanctions busting being held in the Manhattan courtroom of the Southern District of New York. Mr Weingarten introduced Ali Sadr to the jury saying he was born in 1980 [...]

US prosecution makes opening statement in Ali Sadr trial

2020-03-03T16:22:05+01:00Tue, 3rd Mar '20, 16:04|

The prosecutor’s opening statements are being heard at the New York trial of Ali Sadr Hashemi Nejad charged with bank fraud and busting US sanctions against Iran. The Assistant US Attorney explained that under US law it is illegal for an American bank to send US dollars to Iranian companies. But Ali Sadr set up [...]


2020-03-03T13:16:05+01:00Tue, 3rd Mar '20, 13:16|

Ian Borg, all haughty and la-di-da, went on Facebook to accuse people who draw bitter conclusions from the killing yesterday of Myriam Pace for no reason except that she lived near to yet another enormous and growing hole in the ground of exploiting the tragedy for votes. Speaking as someone who is often contradicted on [...]

Fool me twice

2020-03-03T10:24:28+01:00Tue, 3rd Mar '20, 10:23|

MaltaToday’s report last Sunday about Joseph Muscat’s overtures to Yves Bouvier to set up a precious goods free port linked to the apron at the airport links to a recent series by Swiss journalist Antoine Hariri about Bouvier’s activities. Yves Bouvier was involved in two other airside vaults in Luxembourg and Singapore but both have [...]

Speak up or be silenced by your own roof

2020-03-03T09:34:43+01:00Tue, 3rd Mar '20, 09:34|

Facebook is lit up this morning with furious anger at yesterday’s killing of a woman whose house collapsed over her head while a construction development next door dug too deep too close. There’s anger at the fact that a pattern has been emerging and these incidents are occurring with increasing frequency and increasing severity. There [...]

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