The right to offend

2023-01-09T16:12:52+01:00Mon, 9th Jan '23, 16:12|

Matthew Bonanno is funny. His Bis-Serjetà posts are comical, smart, and provocative. They amount to a considerable share of all that can be called satirical in this humourless country. He works from within a transparent ideological frame which is a job requirement for anyone who is going to make fun of the ideas and actions [...]

Clayton the Pointless

2023-01-09T08:31:56+01:00Mon, 9th Jan '23, 08:18|

Much has been made of Clayton Bartolo going to a football match between a team in his constituency and a team from Manchester, England and him wearing the kit of the Manchester team like an incontinent fan boy. The incident was analysed to death. Many pulled out of the drawer the well-thumbed explanation for everything [...]

Cruising on a rescue boat

2023-01-06T08:47:51+01:00Fri, 6th Jan '23, 08:47|

Bryon Camilleri never lost sleep because I called him fascist. It’s not going to change now. And yet I feel that the moment his fascist speeches and his fascist conduct go unremarked will be the time when his creed wins. Consider his remarks yesterday commenting about the draconian laws being introduced in Italy to discourage [...]

Honey, I shrunk democracy

2023-01-04T09:04:46+01:00Wed, 4th Jan '23, 09:04|

Robert Abela is going ahead with his threat. Read my comments from when Robert Abela first warned the opposition that they either agreed with his choice of Commissioner for Standards in Public Life or he’d change the law to go ahead and appoint his choice without their help. I will not repeat the objections to [...]

Bismarck’s sausages

2023-01-04T10:00:07+01:00Wed, 4th Jan '23, 08:48|

Bismarck said there are two things the public should never be allowed to see being made: sausages and laws. He served as a chancellor where the head of state was chosen by inheritance, a fact that would cost him his job. But if he saw the way heads of state were made in Malta, he’d [...]

THE SUNDAY TIMES: Doing it all wrong

2023-01-03T14:27:29+01:00Tue, 3rd Jan '23, 14:27|

From my article in The Sunday Times: "Rights are not the gift of the majority but,  in a democracy, decisions about major changes are taken, or should be taken, after informed public debate that resorts to the freely given advice of the scientific community and the insight of moral teachers and religious leaders, after an [...]

The year that was about this big

2022-12-31T07:45:31+01:00Fri, 30th Dec '22, 13:55|

2022 and a second and a third man have been convicted for killing Daphne Caruana Galizia in 2017 this year. Their conviction followed their freely given admission in court which is as close as it is possible to be to a certain and definitive conclusion to their case. Let’s hope so. The man accused of hiring [...]

The junior minister with the big bum

2022-12-30T15:36:31+01:00Fri, 30th Dec '22, 13:46|

First Arnold Cassola and later The Shift News commented on information from inside a packed flight to London earlier this month where Air Malta relocated passengers with pre-booked seats so that parliamentary secretary Chris Bonett could sit with his kids in coach. Ten people had to make way for his sorry arse. A few weeks [...]

Stick a tail on it and call it a weasel

2022-12-30T11:59:03+01:00Fri, 30th Dec '22, 11:58|

Someone working the PR office of state-owned Enemed is one of two things: a witty Blackadder fan with a naughty subversive streak or someone who drops phrases they heard without knowing exactly what they mean. Baldrick!

The blindness of racial prejudice

2022-12-21T07:42:38+01:00Wed, 21st Dec '22, 07:42|

It is a small miracle that we even know of the case of a Bangladeshi journalist who sought refuge in Malta from violent retribution for reporting on election fraud in his native country. The 23-year-old man filmed bosses from the ruling party stuffing ballots and broadcast them on the TV network he worked for. For [...]

THE SUNDAY TIMES: Robert and Roberta

2022-12-19T06:46:05+01:00Mon, 19th Dec '22, 06:46|

From my article in The Sunday Times: "To say it is ironic that Abela criticises anyone else for taking time to implement the advice of ombudsmen, and of independent institutions to avoid corruption, is to suggest that we can afford to chuckle at the thought. He ignored the Venice Commission, except to the limited extent forced [...]

Court rules Jonathan Ferris’s human rights breached but decision is nowhere near what he deserves

2022-12-15T17:41:23+01:00Thu, 15th Dec '22, 17:41|

Judge Toni Abela ordered the state to pay Jonathan Ferris €20,000 in compensation when it discriminated against him and rejected his application to re-join the police force around the time of the 2017 general elections. Jonathan Ferris had resigned the police force in 2016 after he was approached to join the Financial Intelligence Agency, the [...]

AUM accreditation in owner’s home country withdrawn

2022-12-15T08:50:35+01:00Thu, 15th Dec '22, 08:50|

Jordan, the home country of the owner of the American University of Malta Hani Salah, has warned its citizens it no longer recognised qualifications from the AUM. A notice sent by the Jordanian Embassy to Malta, based in Tunis, says that “the Ministry of Higher Education and the Committee for Accrediting Academic Institutions Abroad have [...]


2022-12-14T15:33:35+01:00Wed, 14th Dec '22, 10:23|

There’s a debate on after the press reported that PBS, the national broadcaster, cancelled a four-part documentary on Dom Mintoff. We don’t know much about what the documentary says but this Times of Malta report says that board directors were concerned that Nationalists wouldn’t like it. Today's Malta Today editorial (not yet available online) comments [...]

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