Quick, a white man is drowning

2021-04-18T17:06:35+02:00Sun, 18th Apr '21, 17:06|

The search and rescue command centre of Malta’s army this morning issued an alert that someone was stranded at sea to the distant south east of Malta and north of Libya. The alert instructs vessels in the area to go to the point from where the alert was sent and report any significant sightings to [...]

Is there a zebra on the spaghetti junction?

2021-04-18T16:50:43+02:00Sun, 18th Apr '21, 16:50|

Friday I criticised the prime minister for describing the new Marsa junction as some feat of engineering that people will fly to Malta to come to admire. I criticised the prime minister because not for the first time he allowed hyperbole to get the better of him. In reference to the Marsa junction I called [...]

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