
2023-04-28T07:36:41+02:00Fri, 28th Apr '23, 07:36|

The European Commissioner responsible for justice, Didier Reynders, is in Malta for a couple of days. He’s mostly seeing ministers who are, judging by reports of the parts of his meetings that were held in public, telling him how Malta ‘learnt its lessons’ about good governance and now everything is working fine. He’s holding a [...]

Not just lawyers

2023-04-28T07:33:16+02:00Fri, 28th Apr '23, 07:33|

The State Advocate Chris Soler complained to the Chamber of Advocates of having been humiliated by public statements uttered by Repubblika’s President Robert Aquilina. Aquilina was writing about his expectations of the behaviour of the state attorney and his client, attorney general Victoria Buttigieg, when the court was yesterday due to hear Repubblika’s arguments why [...]

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