L-artiklu li Alfred Sant xandar illum f’The Malta Independent fih tliet taqsimiet. It-tielet taqsima hi mill-aktar interessanti. Affaxxinanti fil-fatt.
Agħtuha daqqa t’għajn:
The resignation of Phil Hogan as EU Trade Commissioner from Ireland was hardly noticed in Malta. One wonders why…
Hogan was one of the Commissioners most in view and was considered as an up and coming candidate for the top leadership post at the World Trade Organization. Then, overnight he had to resign from the Commission.
It happened because when he returned home for his summer holidays, instead of remaining in self isolation as the Irish sanitary regulations to contain Covid 19 stipulated at that time, he attended a formal dinner held in central Dublin. There was an outcry and he was harshly criticised. Both his political party and the European Commission failed to come out in his defence.
Soon he had to resign, even though there was general agreement that he had been doing some very good work.
Which sets one thinking: Hogan’s story gives us Maltese much to chew on…
Kont jien li ġbidt l-attenzjoni dwar ir-riżenja ta’ Phil Hogan. Agħtu daqqa t’għajn lejn l-artiklu li jien ktibt fis-27 ta’ Awwissu u li fih qabbilt ir-riżenja ta’ Phil Hogan mal-imġieba ta’ Robert Abela.
Alfred Sant isostni li għandna nieqfu biex naħsbu ftit dwar ir-riżenja ta’ Phil Hogan. Ma tantx għandna għalfejn naħsbuha fit-tul. F’Awwissu, wara li ma nafx kemm il-darba ġie u mar Sqallija, Robert Abela baqa’ sejjer bix-xogħol u f’okkażjoni minnhom mar dritt l-Isptar Mater Dei.
Mingħajr ma jgħidha direttament, Alfred Sant qed jimplika li Robert Abela għandu jwarrab.