SLAPP this

2017-11-09T23:19:33+01:00Tue, 24th Oct '17, 12:09|

Here is a report in the archives of The Times reporting that FIAU says shortcomings in Pilatus no longer subsist. It is a new version that replaces older versions of the story appearing in print and on line last September. The changes were made after lawyers for Pilatus Bank threatened them with a multi-million dollar [...]

Pilatus Bank bullies the local press. We will not be silenced.

2017-10-24T23:25:55+02:00Tue, 24th Oct '17, 11:23|

Lawyers for Pilatus Bank have fallen on the leading independent news organisations here in Malta threatening them with ruinous law suits in the United States unless they remove reams of stories on Pilatus Bank from their archives. I am informed The Times has considered legal advice and has replaced two of its archived, now deleted, [...]

GUEST POST: Let’s call a spade a bloody shovel

2017-10-24T10:32:37+02:00Tue, 24th Oct '17, 10:32|

Needless to say the views of the author are his own. by Conservative Some may recognise my pseudonym from Daphne Caruana Galizia’s Running Commentary. Whether it is recognised or not is not important, the army of foot soldiers bringing along their piddly jigsaw pieces, including me, was not important in itself. It was Daphne who [...]

Can we ever get justice?

2017-10-24T09:10:25+02:00Tue, 24th Oct '17, 08:41|

Look at this screen grap of a Facebook post last June by a certain Ċetta Gauci. "UNIKU ... KBIR ... LEGGENDA ...  LILEK Joseph :) wiiisq I'll PRIM ta MALTA taghna :)" She was celebrating Labour's re-election. So perhaps for a supporter, the spluttering enthusiasm is pardonable. Ċetta Gauci is Deputy Registrar for Magistrate Anthony [...]

You can’t be neutral on a moving train

2017-10-23T23:04:44+02:00Mon, 23rd Oct '17, 22:59|

Unlike Michael Briguglio, Marie Briguglio and James Debono I have no intention of apologising or justifying myself for addressing yesterday’s demonstration in Valletta. I did not organise the event but I am grateful to those who did because if they hadn’t, no one else looked like they would. And there is space for as many [...]

The moral pressure from Europe

2017-10-23T21:30:05+02:00Mon, 23rd Oct '17, 21:11|

The European Parliament is renaming its press conference hall in honour of Daphne Caruana Galizia. The decision was announced by the Parliament's President Antonio Tajani this afternoon. The European Court today held a minute silence in honour of Daphne Caruana Galizia. Three hundred members of staff from European institutions based in Luxembourg met to pay [...]

Lawyers demanding Courts go on strike

2017-10-23T20:48:34+02:00Mon, 23rd Oct '17, 20:48|

Here's a transcript of a letter received this evening by judges, lawyers and court officials, demanding that until the Attorney General or the Commissioner of Police resign or are fired the courts should stop functioning. The letter asks the legal community to take into account the Chief Justice's own remarks that a national miscarriage of [...]

BREAKING: Lawyers ask judges and magistrates to strike until police chief and attorney general resign or are fired

2017-10-23T18:09:59+02:00Mon, 23rd Oct '17, 18:09|

A group of lawyers including senior partners in some of the major Valletta law firms have written to judges and magistrates urging them to shut down court business until Lawrence Cutajar and Peter Grech resign or are fired. Sources told this website a number of members on the bench support the initiative. More soon ...

GUEST POST: We are responsible

2017-10-23T14:18:01+02:00Mon, 23rd Oct '17, 14:18|

By Martha Gatt When on that fateful Monday afternoon, I heard about Daphne’s assassination I realised that although shocked to the bone, I wasn’t surprised. But I felt hugely responsible. In all honesty, possibly at an unconscious level, I had been expecting this. In this country of ours, over the past four years and seven [...]

Business as usual

2017-10-23T12:40:06+02:00Mon, 23rd Oct '17, 12:40|

While the worldwide press watches, reports and comments in shock at the political and institutional collapse in Malta; while people march in the streets demanding for deep changes in the political and institutional realities of Malta; while a journalist is blown up in a car bomb the like of which Malta has never seen, the [...]

Wipe that smirk off your face!

2017-10-23T12:03:51+02:00Mon, 23rd Oct '17, 11:49|

It was galling to see Konrad Mizzi sauntering into the Parliamentary chamber last Friday like he had a new set of golf clubs to show at the club. Daphne Caruana Galizia had been dead less than 4 days. Simon Busuttil was addressing the House, visibly moved and shaken, honouring her memory. Konrad Mizzi saunters in [...]


2017-10-23T11:17:14+02:00Mon, 23rd Oct '17, 11:17|

When the police removed the banner "Mafia State" unfurled on City Gate an hour before the protest march starting from there yesterday, they enacted in a highly significant and symbolic gesture the extent of the suppression of free speech we have reached. The police broke the fundamental precepts of our laws. They over-stepped their authority [...]

Oh the pettiness. The mediocrity.

2017-10-23T09:24:26+02:00Mon, 23rd Oct '17, 09:16|

So the local football federation could not bring itself to cancel Sunday's football fixtures in the wake of the political assassination that happened a few days before. But as a gesture of solidarity they had players unfurl a banner saying largely the right things. The club of sports reporters came out in condemnation of this [...]

For this is democracy

2017-10-22T22:30:59+02:00Sun, 22nd Oct '17, 22:30|

The spontaneous protest in front of the police headquarters this evening shows that in the midst of indifference and misguided loyalty to a corrupt regime, something real is stirring. This is the way big political changes start. With the example of the few. With focused and presently conscious steps. With the articulation of anger and [...]

And so it begins

2017-10-23T14:02:41+02:00Sun, 22nd Oct '17, 22:02|

Michael Briguglio, James Debono, Claudine Cassar and I were targeted today by the Labour Party media for standing up and expressing views that are in opposition to the politicians they protect. We stood on stage and gave witness to our commitment to continue Daphne Caruana Galizia's fight. For the Labour Party to expect  to hear [...]

ADDS VIDEO: From despair, hope

2018-02-21T20:26:02+01:00Sun, 22nd Oct '17, 20:46|

This is the speech I delivered today at the Civil Society Network demonstration this afternoon in Valletta. An English translation follows. If you were in Valletta today do please share you experience and photos or videos in the comments below. The photo with this post is by The Times' Matthew Mirabelli. Nixtieq nirringrazzja ‘l [...]

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