Watch out for this one

2023-04-05T10:47:24+02:00Wed, 5th Apr '23, 10:45|

A public call is out to turn Evans Building in Valletta into a hotel. It’s a fine location for a hotel right next to the conference facilities (bereft of bedrooms) at the old knights’ hospital next door. Location doesn’t get more prime than that. The entity the government is using to administer the concession process [...]

This is why Robert Abela doesn’t want an anti-mafia law

2023-04-05T10:07:56+02:00Wed, 5th Apr '23, 10:07|

Repubblika had argued to the Daphne Caruana Galizia public inquiry that to fight the sort of organised crime which has infiltrated the Maltese state, the Maltese state needed a law that could combat racketeering on the model of the US RICO law or the Italian 416 bis. The inquiry agreed and adopted the suggestion as [...]

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