More political appointments that threaten human rights

2017-11-04T16:36:13+01:00Sat, 4th Nov '17, 16:36|

Yesterday I wrote how a tribunal set up by law to review administrative decisions on immigrants was stuffed with political appointees close to the government. I argued how their proximity to the government (they are spouses, nephews, exes, and children of government Ministers and Labour party grandees) cancels the distance needed between the executive and [...]

Alberto Vannucci: Corruption kills another free voice

2017-11-04T09:41:38+01:00Sat, 4th Nov '17, 09:41|

Read this editorial on Il Fatto Quotidiano by Alberto Vannucci. Some choice quotes: "The lesson taught by Massimo Carminati is universal: 'the world of the living and the world of the dead' unavoidably meet, because in the 'world in the middle people on the surface landscape need someone from the underworld to things for them [...]

UPDATED: More iced buns

2017-11-06T19:08:13+01:00Fri, 3rd Nov '17, 22:26|

Dr Juliana Scerri Ferrante wrote in her reply to the below on 06/11/2017. Her reply is found here. Earlier I wrote about 4 of 6 new members of the new Immigration Appeals Board and showed how they are related in the first degree to Labour Ministers or senior party grandees. Then there's the Chairman of [...]

GUEST POST: We must let you go now.

2017-11-04T09:00:11+01:00Fri, 3rd Nov '17, 21:24|

By Alessandra Dee Crespo. Dear Daphne, We spoke occasionally on email, or on your Running Commentary in the combox. I sometimes bumped into you in Valletta. You were always very courteous. I was usually tongue-tied. You once laughingly told me that you were not my headmistress, and that I am not in school, while having coffee [...]

What she would have written

2017-11-04T08:53:24+01:00Fri, 3rd Nov '17, 20:44|

Having been to Daphne Caruana Galizia's funeral today, I was not expecting to have the interest or the energy to write about something else. But then perhaps the best tribute to her is to pick up a story she would have shared with all of us had she still been with us. Here is an [...]

Looking for leaders

2017-11-03T19:57:22+01:00Fri, 3rd Nov '17, 19:57|

At the funeral for Daphne Caruana Galizia I could see Eddie Fenech Adami, Lawrence Gonzi and Simon Busuttil. All were scrutinised and criticised by Daphne Caruana Galizia some time or other when they were in office. I say that because unlike others, all three had the good sense not to draw attention to themselves when [...]

EU Commission statement on the day of mourning for Daphne Caruana Galizia

2017-11-03T18:58:03+01:00Fri, 3rd Nov '17, 18:58|

Brussels, 3 November 2017 Today, the world takes leave of Daphne Caruana Galizia. We were all horrified by the fact that this well-known and respected Maltese journalist lost her life on 16 October in a criminal act of unspeakable brutality. Daphne Caruana Galizia's career spanned over 30 years, she was a pioneer of investigative journalism [...]

Ecclesiastes 3

2017-11-03T18:32:59+01:00Fri, 3rd Nov '17, 18:19|

The first reading at today's funeral: To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted; A time to kill, and a time to heal; [...]

GUEST POST: Letter to Daphne

2017-11-03T12:20:41+01:00Fri, 3rd Nov '17, 12:20|

By Patricia Azzopardi Preziosi Dear Daphne, Your mutilated body will be laid to rest this afternoon. I pray constantly to the God I believe in to give your loved ones the strength to endure the unendurable for the rest of their lives – which they are going to be forced to do because of the [...]


2017-11-04T21:26:33+01:00Fri, 3rd Nov '17, 11:16|

Since I first heard of Daphne Caruana Galizia’s death, I’ve thought of little else. And that’s not likely to stop now. It started with shock at the audacity and the terminal definitiveness of the act. It grew into anger and indignation. There was a strong sense of loss as I looked for the writings of [...]


2017-11-02T17:17:16+01:00Thu, 2nd Nov '17, 17:17|

Here's Aaron Vella, semi-literate Labour supporter extraordinaire, and an imbecile so oblivious that when those around him call him "il-brazz" he thinks it's because they think he's a shining light of wisdom and knowledge. Just so you're reminded how far hate can take people, here's a translation of his golden words of wisdom: "You'd have [...]

“Right and wrong is not a popularity contest”

2017-11-02T16:29:30+01:00Thu, 2nd Nov '17, 15:18|

Human rights activists from various organisations including Reporters Without Borders, English Pen, Transparency International, Article 19,  and Index on Censorship protested today in front of the Maltese embassy in London. They read out an adaptation of a post by Daphne Caruana Galizia a few hours after the electoral result of the 4th June [...]

No justice without change

2017-11-03T10:49:30+01:00Thu, 2nd Nov '17, 14:12|

If any more evidence was needed of the manipulation from Joseph Muscat’s office of the institutions of the state, the happenings in court over the last few days continue to shed light on the complete usurpation of power by the Panama Gang. For years their influence on the police commissioner and the attorney general held [...]

More on the mystery professor

2017-11-02T13:02:25+01:00Thu, 2nd Nov '17, 11:56|

I have spoken to several people who one way or another were connected with this Professor Joe Mifsud, currently in the news for offering himself as a middleman between the Donald Trump campaign and the Russian government. A picture emerges of a shifty influence peddler who over time built an elaborate Ponzi scheme of influence, [...]

Unhidden agenda

2017-11-01T22:56:48+01:00Wed, 1st Nov '17, 22:56|

So Dione Borg, the grand old gentle doyen of PN journalists, took umbrage at a guest post on this website that criticised journalists for being a pale comparison to Daphne Caruana Galizia’s investigative prowess. The guest post was fairly critical of the press community and was generic in its attack so it is hardly surprising [...]

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