Insecurity minister

2022-09-26T10:46:09+02:00Sun, 25th Sep '22, 08:26|

Byron Camilleri did a Joe Giglio on Andrew Azzopardi’s show yesterday. “Repubblika?” he scoffed, fiddling with his tie like Oliver Hardy in a sticky situation. “They’re just an extremist faction of the PN.” Presumably without hearing him, Mark Said writing today in Times of Malta and The Malta Independent, presents Byron Camilleri with a response. [...]


2022-09-23T14:30:14+02:00Fri, 23rd Sep '22, 14:30|

I first started getting properly interested in domestic politics after the 1992 elections. There were two political strands that intrigued me. The first was the government’s plan to secure Malta’s membership in the EU. There was a frenzy of excitement that the EU’s enlargement was imminent. Indeed, it turned out to be with four countries [...]

LONG READ: The business of journalism

2022-09-23T07:54:18+02:00Fri, 23rd Sep '22, 07:54|

Publishing is a business, albeit a shrinking one. Advertising is a business, though its fundamentals are shifting rapidly. Public relations is a business, its future as undoubted as hairdressing and funeral homes. Journalism is not a business. The moment it becomes one it stops being journalism and it becomes publishing, advertising, or public relations. This [...]

Journalists and free speech campaigners tell PM to open press reforms for public consultation

2022-09-22T14:57:14+02:00Thu, 22nd Sep '22, 14:57|

A group of over 100 journalists, academics, activists, and artists concerned with free speech have written today to Prime Minister Robert Abela urging him to publish the advice he received from the group of experts he appointed in January to advise him on laws to protect free speech. The signatories of the letter include editors [...]


2022-09-20T12:38:58+02:00Tue, 20th Sep '22, 09:58|

There has been so much praise for Queen Elizabeth II that one more eulogy is not going to add anything to what you’ve already heard many times. Take recognition of her spectacular work ethic, her diplomatic charisma, and her rare smile in an ocean of frowns, as given. She was all that. None of that [...]

Seb Tanti Burlò: A recusal refusal

2022-09-19T08:57:18+02:00Mon, 19th Sep '22, 08:57|

Look at the cartoonist's tweet on his work in today's Times of Malta. A recusal refusal This week's @TheTimesofMalta #cartoon When lawyers are promoted to the bench, not for their legal minds but because of family contacts and governmental friends, nobody can expect to receive a fair hearing. #Justice in #Malta is held to ransom. [...]

The uphill struggle for truth

2022-09-19T08:36:45+02:00Mon, 19th Sep '22, 08:36|

Another battle for information is underway this time fought by Times of Malta to acquire a copy of a report Enemalta commissioned to understand why it had paid three times the price for a Montenegro windfarm than the vendor had paid just two weeks earlier. The transaction is nonsensical in and of itself, independently of [...]

You can’t free information in secret

2022-09-16T15:59:33+02:00Fri, 16th Sep '22, 15:59|

I joined a number of journalists, academics, and activists in calling on the Institute of Maltese Journalists (IĠM) to open up to the public their ongoing discussions with the government on reforms to secure media freedom in this country. Five years since Daphne Caruana Galizia was killed, legal and administrative reforms to protect journalism are [...]

Lady in pink

2022-09-16T09:23:20+02:00Fri, 16th Sep '22, 09:23|

President's memo to EU Commissioners: Please everyone wear blues and yellows in solidarity with Ukraine. Helena Dalli: Did you say blue? Viva l-Lejber! Light.

Thus Spake “Judiciary Malta”

2022-09-15T20:10:24+02:00Thu, 15th Sep '22, 20:10|

There’s been an odd development in Repubblika’s struggle to get an impartial judge to hear our challenge against the police chief for failing to implement the conclusions of a magistrate’s inquiry into Pilatus Bank. ‘Odd’ because it’s rare, as rare as watching an Accession Council made of perfectly reasonable women and men shouting in unison [...]

The court that speaks but does not listen

2022-09-15T11:49:49+02:00Thu, 15th Sep '22, 11:49|

Repubblika has been asking Magistrate Nadine Lia for months to call a sitting of the case it brought against the chief of police for not implementing the conclusions of the Pilatus Bank inquiry. She refused, repeatedly, with the same haughtiness with which she refused any and all arguments we brought to persuade her that her [...]

London events to mark Daphne anniversary announced

2022-09-14T10:56:23+02:00Wed, 14th Sep '22, 10:56|

Several free speech NGOs have teamed up with the Daphne Caruana Galizia Foundation and St John’s Church on the roundabout at Waterloo in London to organise a series of London events in the days leading up to the 5th anniversary of Daphne Caruana Galizia’s assassination. The events: 3 October at 19:00 at St John’s Waterloo: [...]

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