This exchange on Facebook between the so called honourable Silvio Schembri and Matthew Caruana Galizia happened on the eve of the last election. Matthew Caruana Galizia understood well what Silvio Schembri meant by “getting rid” of him. “How do you plan to do it,” Matthew Caruana Galizia asked Silvio Schembri. “By shooting me?”

Transcript of the text in case the resolution of the grab is a bit low:

Silvio Schembri: Niddedika dan il-vidjow lil Matthew Caruana Galizia. Nhar is-Sibt il-poplu Malti se jivvota b’saħħtu kollha biex jeħles min-nies bħalu u ommu Daphne li xebgħu jiktbu mibegħda u gideb dwari, Joseph Muscat u kontra pajjiżna. Grazzi lil dawk kollha li dejjem kienu t’appoġġ għalija.

Matthew Caruana Galizia: Silvio Schembri, you are disgraceful. Here you are, a parliamentary candidate who committed a criminal act in distributing food in exchange for votes, attempting to defend your corruption by asking people to help you get rid of me, a journalist. Do you have any idea how bad that looks? How do you plan to get rid of me, exactly – by shooting me? By deporting me?

Silvio Schembri, you have blood on your hands. You must go. Now.