ARTE: Is Malta swamped in corruption? (Now with English subtitles)

2017-12-20T11:18:14+01:00Tue, 12th Dec '17, 21:42|

Franco-German channel ARTE has tonight transmitted a documentary on the aftermath of the assassination of Daphne Caruana Galizia. I have worked with ARTE on this project that includes interviews with Jason Azzopardi, Jonathan Ferris, Philippa Gingell Littlejohn, Pia Zammit, Lizzie Eldridge, Andrew Borg Cardona, Simon Busuttil, Mark Wood, Werner Lange, Sven Giegold and my wife [...]

No, your honour

2017-12-13T09:58:44+01:00Tue, 12th Dec '17, 21:12|

Judge Silvio Meli’s remarks in court today are odd in so many ways. He would probably describe this article as part of the “manipulative orchestration of the media” and that in and of itself it “causes damage to the country”. He is clearly at liberty to do so. And when he exercises his right to [...]

MONEY MAGAZINE: The Perfect Storm

2017-12-12T19:57:58+01:00Tue, 12th Dec '17, 19:57|

My article in the December edition of Money Magazine. Scroll down for a text version. Just last 23 April, the Malta Employers’ Association succinctly described the state of the country as a “national crisis”. It referred to published evidence of corruption at the very top of government in Malta and the complete inaction of the [...]

The tax haven question

2017-12-12T19:40:38+01:00Tue, 12th Dec '17, 19:40|

It was one of those ironies of history that it had to be the Socialists in the European Parliament to insist Malta is listed as a tax haven in the European Parliament’s resolution on the subject with all the consequences that follow from that. It must have felt sweet for Nationalist MEPs to be vindicated, [...]

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