Why is the government projecting a 50% increase in revenue from a scheme they’re “winding down”?

2020-10-21T14:10:06+02:00Wed, 21st Oct '20, 14:10|

Robert Abela is annoyed that the European Commission has launched an infringement procedure against Malta over the passports scheme. He says it’s Roberta Metsola and David Casa’s fault because… nazzjonalisti. But he says he’ll be defending the scheme on point of principle, not because it’s any skin off his nose. The passport selling scheme, he [...]

GUEST POST: Not traitors

2020-10-21T15:42:39+02:00Wed, 21st Oct '20, 13:06|

It’s not unpatriotic to denounce an injustice committed on our behalf, perhaps it’s the most patriotic thing we can do. – E.A. Bucchianeri Last Monday the European Union said that it will start legal action against Malta and Cyprus over their ‘golden passport’ citizenship scheme. Which is being abused by criminals. EU Commission vice-president Maros [...]

PODCAST: To find the mind’s construction

2020-10-21T12:50:43+02:00Wed, 21st Oct '20, 12:50|

Manuel Delia · PODCAST- To Find The Mind's Construction Consuelo Scerri Herrera strikes again. She decided on the appeal by Paul Sheehan, who, as Manuel Mallia’s chauffeur, whipped out his gun while chasing a stranger he felt had driven too close to his car, and shot at his victim’s car multiple times. That’s all the [...]

Will the Roly Poly man stand for this outrage?

2020-10-21T11:33:51+02:00Wed, 21st Oct '20, 11:33|

Silvio Parnis has been outdone. After the elderly got a Roly Poly of dubious health benefit from him for bearing with being permanently cooped up in their rooms while we happily give covid to each other, his Gozo colleague Clint Camilleri saw Parnis's bet and upped the ante. I recognise fig rolls, almond biscuits and [...]

UPDATED: Stop the Mrieħel towers

2020-10-21T14:51:04+02:00Wed, 21st Oct '20, 11:19|

Those skyscrapers going up in the middle of the island are worse than a row of sore thumbs. I will not comment about their appearance, the congestion, the alteration to the skyline and the landscape, the traffic, or even the case for or against economic need. I’ll leave that to the experts. But the Mrieħel [...]

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