My second book The Third Siege of Malta, edited by Alessandra Dee Crespo, has made the ‘long list’ for the National Book Prize 2021 in the Literary Non-Fiction category. The long list is the full list of publications deemed eligible for participation in the competition.

The Third Siege of Malta, published by MidSea Book, faces stiff competition from some excellent publications released in Malta last year.

A short list of candidates will be published in July and the final awards are handed out in November. This year’s Non-Fiction competitors are:

Mark Camilleri A Rent Seeker’s Paradise Dialektika
Alfred Sant Confessions of a European Maltese: The Middle Years, 1975-1992 SKS Publishers
Manuel Delia, Alessandra Dee Crespo (ed.) The Third Siege of Malta: A Selection of News Posts from ‘Truth Be Told’ 2017-2021 Midsea Books
MJ Camilleri Strangers I’ll Never Forget Ede Books
Mario Thomas Vassallo Karattri u Rakkonti: Mir-Raħal u mis-Safar Kite Group
PaulJon Aquilina PaulJon bl-Oroskopju Għalik għas-Sena 2021-22 PaulJon Aquilina
Edwin Paul Borg Tal-Bieraħ Tar u Mar Klabb Kotba Maltin
Gordon Caruana Dingli We Went to the Moon Kite Group
Paul P. Borg Oliver Friggieri u Jien Horizons
Ricky Caruana The Book of Death: The Book of Forever Ricky Caruana
David J. Dingli The 20 Faces of Services Faraxa Publishing
Sergio Grech U Tisbaħ Missier…: Stejjer, Riflessjonijiet u Osservazzjonijiet Merlin Publishers
Joseph R. Grima Memories from the Front Line: Five Decades of Service to the Country (1965-2005) Midsea Books
Carmel Bezzina Ġrajjiet u Tifkiriet: Minn Ħal Balzan u lil Hinn Minnu Carmel Bezzina

Buy them all.

The National Book Prize is awarded by the National Book Council.

Click here for your copy of The Third Siege of Malta.