Not neutral. Just cowards.

2022-05-16T12:16:33+02:00Mon, 16th May '22, 12:16|

I don’t put up this link to Joe Brincat’s Facebook to add to the case that he’s an antediluvian Mintoffian grotesque. That case has rested a long time ago. I put it up because it might answer my question of this morning on why Maltese Eurovision voters behaved differently from all other Europeans and did [...]

Unsubstantiated claims

2022-05-16T08:42:11+02:00Mon, 16th May '22, 08:42|

Election candidates who fail to get elected are an inevitable side effect of the voting process. Their unhappiness with the outcome is their problem. When you enter any race you dream of glory but you’d better be prepared for the statistically likelier outcome of disappointment. Dignity in defeat looks nice but it’s not mandatory. Candidates [...]

Bless political Eurovision voting

2022-05-16T07:40:08+02:00Mon, 16th May '22, 07:40|

I couldn’t be dragged in front of the Eurovision broadcast even if I had been in chains. The only fun bit is the voting at the end because it’s a bit like watching a regatta, but it’s way too late into the night for me. Since the winner is chosen mostly by popular vote a [...]

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