GUEST POST: The ‘coincidences’ in the wind farm deal

2020-06-25T12:54:26+02:00Thu, 25th Jun '20, 12:54|

Filed by someone known to me: Much has been written about the Mozura Wind Park deal through which Enemalta purchased the project from a Dubai based company called Cidifex for the price of €10.3 million, 18 days after Cidifex had purchased the project for €2.9 million with a resultant profit of € 7.4 million. When [...]

“There’s a story here”

2020-06-25T11:34:49+02:00Thu, 25th Jun '20, 09:43|

It was one of Daphne Caruana Galizia’s curtain raisers. One of many that she raised in the last year of her life and work interrupted by the violent death visited upon her by people who did not want one or more of those curtains raised. 6 November, 2016: Daphne publishes one of those blog posts. [...]

The Pied Piper

2020-06-25T09:03:40+02:00Thu, 25th Jun '20, 09:03|

Disciples of political parties may be easily steered in the direction the party leadership wants them, like children hopping and skipping behind the Pied Piper. But you can jerk them around in opposite directions so many times before the disorientation kicks in and rumblings of discontent emerge. I sometimes think back to May Day 2018, [...]


2020-07-07T08:48:37+02:00Wed, 24th Jun '20, 15:49|

Readership of this website is going strong. The site is visited 20,000 times a day which is not bad for a largely one-man show. Last month, 29,000 people visited Truth Be Told for the first time.  In the time the website has been around we published more than 3,900 articles. Over 1,200 of them have [...]

Cultural execution

2020-06-24T15:32:54+02:00Wed, 24th Jun '20, 15:31|

For a second there you may have wondered why the chairman of the Manoel Theatre Board needed to testify at the inquiry into the killing of Daphne Caruana Galizia. But this state-sponsored murder was committed on all fronts and evidence from an unlikely quarter was heard today. Mario Philip Azzopardi, the Doktor Mengele of Malta’s [...]

Which other bits was Keith Schembri lying about?

2020-06-24T14:35:33+02:00Wed, 24th Jun '20, 14:35|

Most of us can say with some certainty where they were the moment they heard Daphne Caruana Galizia was killed. They remember how they found out, who they were with, what they did right away. Many of us were deeply affected by the news. You would expect Keith Schembri to be affected and to have [...]

UPDATED: Where were you when…?

2020-06-24T15:12:17+02:00Wed, 24th Jun '20, 12:43|

Updated to include a video of Jason Azzopardi's speech in Parliament. I sometimes get asked by the last remaining advocates for the lost cause of Joseph Muscat, where I was when something or other happened before 2013. Which is a bit of a pointless question really because everyone knows the answer to that. In case [...]

Flash back to February 2016

2020-06-24T12:14:43+02:00Wed, 24th Jun '20, 12:14|

Watch this video taken inside the Labour Party's headquarters the day Konrad Mizzi was feted as the party's new Deputy Leader. Wait for the first question asked to him. This is February 2016. They made him Deputy Leader when they already knew what they knew yesterday when they fired him. The Labour Party still needs [...]

GUEST POST: Primus inter pares

2020-06-24T12:06:44+02:00Wed, 24th Jun '20, 12:06|

As a lawyer I’ve always been convinced in the rule of law, so having a strong rule of law comes natural for me. We will close the chapter on rule of law with success, not just by dealing with our current challenges, but also by being a leading example for other countries. - Robert Abela [...]

Harming business in Valletta

2020-06-24T10:46:15+02:00Wed, 24th Jun '20, 10:27|

Manuel Mallia last Monday, contributing to the well being of business in Valletta. Manuel Mallia was drinking at the Queen Victoria City Pub in South Street on Monday afternoon while a protest gathered outside parliament. It didn’t seem like the protest was stopping him from indulging though it may have made it harder [...]

Baby face

2020-06-24T09:31:51+02:00Wed, 24th Jun '20, 09:31|

I wrote this piece yesterday about how the junior minister for IT set up a ‘think tank’ to advise him on information technology policy. The committee includes Brian Tonna’s daughter and Consuelo Scerri Herrera’s daughter whose only apparent qualification is that they’re lawyers, a profession that is at best tangentially relevant. The committee is set [...]

The Barra Brigade

2020-06-24T08:28:25+02:00Wed, 24th Jun '20, 08:28|

Or ‘Daphne’s crowd’, or ‘Ta’ Simon’, or ‘Ta’ kontra Delia’, or ‘Erba’ anarkiċi’, or ‘Nazzjonalisti indannati’ or ‘Erba’ qtates m’għandhomx x’jagħmlu’. Yep. Doesn’t mean we were wrong though. I will not dignify the insults Daphne Caruana Galizia got in her life, but for all that she was right. The Labour Party will not bring itself [...]

So it is the Mafia then

2020-06-23T20:42:13+02:00Tue, 23rd Jun '20, 19:59|

Evarist Bartolo continued his Dantesque lament about the corruption of his own party but said he would take no lessons from the PN about mafia infiltration. Why? Have there been many state-sponsored murders when the PN was running the country? Evarist Bartolo said only Alfred Sant was serious about fighting the mafia before Robert Abela. [...]

Magisterial inquiry into alleged offer of payments from Yorgen Fenech to Adrian Delia opened

2020-06-23T15:06:14+02:00Tue, 23rd Jun '20, 15:03|

This website is informed that the police have asked a magistrate to conduct an inquiry into allegations that Yorgen Fenech, charged with the murder of Daphne Caruana Galizia, offered or paid Adrian Delia money to help diminish the chances of David Casa's re-election to the European Parliament. The inquiry is being conducted by Magistrate Doreen [...]

One final question

2020-06-23T14:28:08+02:00Tue, 23rd Jun '20, 14:28|

Earlier I wrote about Inspector Keith Arnaud’s final line of questioning yesterday while he had Keith Schembri as a witness in the compilation of evidence against Yorgen Fenech. This was a line of questions which I said I felt were more intended to be heard for themselves rather than in expectation of any revelation in [...]

The mote in the PN’s eye

2020-06-23T15:05:05+02:00Tue, 23rd Jun '20, 14:06|

There was a brief flutter of excitement yesterday when news sites reported that Adrian Delia had asked for an urgent meeting with President George Vella. The Leader of the Opposition had just been named by Keith Schembri that morning and, if my experience is anything to go by, people were hanging on to every update [...]

Kenneth Camilleri’s weird day

2020-06-23T14:08:28+02:00Tue, 23rd Jun '20, 13:01|

Kenneth Camilleri walked into court yesterday suspected of being a messenger. His name came up late last year when Melvyn Theuma said Kenneth Camilleri visited him at home around the time that he was feeling overwhelmed by the pressure from the Degiorgios to get them out of prison. Melvyn Theuma had been pushing on Yorgen [...]

The IT Crowd

2020-06-23T12:07:42+02:00Tue, 23rd Jun '20, 12:07|

Alfred Sant always had a way with words. Not in the cheesy chat up lines in a bar sort of way. But in the succinct slogan that sticks. He had this phrase “ħbieb tal-ħbieb” which in its simplicity, and the daring rip off from the English commonplace ‘friends of friends’ came to mean much more [...]

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