THE SUNDAY TIMES: Person of the Year

2017-12-24T10:28:44+01:00Sun, 24th Dec '17, 10:28|

From my article in The Sunday Times today: "The day after tomorrow, Malta will go in its yearly orgy of self-congratulation, translating our capacity for human compassion into millions and other such record numbers. But for all those compassionate givers, a political killing has been suffered by a family that cries mercury and sleeps on [...]

Single digits

2017-12-24T10:26:01+01:00Sun, 24th Dec '17, 10:21|

Malta Today's measure of Adrian Delia's trust-rating is now at 7.2%. You do not kick a man when he's down. But you crouch down and whisper in his ear whether he should be wondering now if he is really in a fight he can win. He may be completely confident in his abilities in ways [...]

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