Where’s the proof?

2018-06-11T12:58:13+02:00Mon, 11th Jun '18, 12:58|

Last week today I said Keith Schembri received two payments amounting to over $400,000, five weeks after he got back from a politicians-only trip to Baku in December 2014. Challenged in Parliament to react by Adrian Delia, Joseph Muscat stood up to say Keith Schembri denied this. He didn’t say when. He didn’t say how. [...]

We are right. Let them drown.

2018-06-11T11:33:22+02:00Mon, 11th Jun '18, 11:33|

Italy and Malta have populist governments and they are both pandering to the basic popular attitude of racial prejudice and indifference to the needs of others. The references to international law are convenient and facetious: they are the brandishing of excuses to avoid having to do what’s right even if unpopular. Of course brushing Malta [...]

Crane Currency: printing money for Azerbaijan

2018-06-11T10:45:37+02:00Mon, 11th Jun '18, 10:45|

Joseph Muscat has been denying there's any conflict of interest between the Crane Currency project in Malta and his chief of staff Keith Schembri whenever fresh details emerged showing just such a conflict of interest. The prime minister introduced Keith Schembri as the 'catalyst' that enabled the deal when it was first announced in 2010. [...]

2,800 crystals went to a party

2018-06-11T19:16:19+02:00Mon, 11th Jun '18, 10:06|

Adrian Delia and Nickie Vella de Fremaux sat down for dinner with Joseph and Michelle Muscat at the top table of a charity event. The Delia couple did not get the memo that the event had a business suit dress code and went in full regalia. I am not a fashion critic and I’m not [...]

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