Mr Popular

2018-07-31T16:27:35+02:00Tue, 31st Jul '18, 16:27|

The government were fuming with fury yesterday because a UK House of Commons inquiry cited this blog as a source of information. It got to the point where they made formal diplomatic representations with the UK government telling them to admonish their MPs (Labour, Tory and SNPs) for being so gullible as to take on [...]

When a Mossack Fonseca agent refused to backdate documents fearing calligraphists discovering a fraud

2018-07-31T14:00:15+02:00Tue, 31st Jul '18, 14:00|

When Mossack Fonseca was caught by the ICIJ leaks it went into a frantic campaign to cover its tracks. It had no idea who most of its clients were because of course that was the idea for their business. Criminals and corrupt politicians could hide their money in companies registered by Mossack Fonseca in Panama [...]

Adrian Delia charges backward

2018-07-30T19:53:57+02:00Mon, 30th Jul '18, 19:53|

Someone told me it was a reasonably good line, so I’m throwing it to you again in case you missed it the first time. Adrian Delia wants to win at chess, but he’s just lost at tic tac toe. Adrian Delia went premature last Sunday thinking this was the time to rid himself of Simon [...]

When the government do not like the findings of an inquiry

2018-07-30T19:36:01+02:00Mon, 30th Jul '18, 19:30|

The way the government are behaving is making things quite dangerous for people they perceive to be in their way. And this is not some incidental consequence. It is targeted malice. Take for example the posters set up this morning calling Daphne Caruana Galizia a crook, eight months since she was blown up in a [...]

UK National Crime Agency asked to investigate Henley & Partners’ work in Malta with Cambridge Analytica’s mother company

2018-07-30T09:05:57+02:00Mon, 30th Jul '18, 09:05|

The UK Parliamentary Committee investigating fake news and the use of data and darks ads in elections asked the British National Crime Agency to examine the association between Henley and Partners and Cambridge Analytica’s mother company SCL elections. This website reported how Alexander Nix, the former boss of Cambridge Analytica and SCL, was in Malta [...]

The Two Towers Strike Back

2018-07-29T17:03:36+02:00Sun, 29th Jul '18, 17:00|

We are now in the middle chapter. This is the darkest hour for the well-intentioned who have stuck out their neck and gave up everything they had to resist the complete take-over by Joseph Muscat and his entourage of underlings. And what an entourage it is. It is a cast of characters beyond any fantasist’s [...]

Forgotten lessons

2018-07-27T10:13:57+02:00Fri, 27th Jul '18, 10:13|

When several thousand people marched in Valletta six days after Daphne Caruana Galizia was killed, most of them have the same sort of thoughts. ‘I wish I didn’t leave her alone. I wish I believed her when I thought she was exaggerating. Now she’s been killed this way I know she can’t have been. I [...]

Andrew Borg-Cardona: Don’t dare even think

2018-07-27T09:42:29+02:00Fri, 27th Jul '18, 09:42|

It’s probably a bad habit of many of my years (yeah, I know, ancient, enough already, I get it) that when my eyes open of a morning, instead of grunting and going back to sleep, I grab a screen-bearing device and look at the news. This morning, consequently, the Times’ headline about possible action being [...]

Has the PN run out of lawyers?

2018-07-26T22:08:25+02:00Thu, 26th Jul '18, 19:09|

They used to say the PN was a party of lawyers. I suppose that is why sometimes I get mistaken for one. But even if most of the old-timers have been chased away, it is surprising how far Adrian Delia has gone to recruit lawyers for party business. Today's court protest against the Attorney General's [...]

Putting it behind us?

2018-07-26T13:53:07+02:00Thu, 26th Jul '18, 13:53|

  I understand people who would rather just put things behind them. Egrant has been in our vocabulary for two years. There have been protests, an election out of its time blamed on the crisis, very, very harsh words. Then a journalist was killed, and apart from the people who have acid for blood, most [...]

Top Comment: Would I lie to you baby?

2018-07-26T13:23:33+02:00Thu, 26th Jul '18, 13:23|

Sent in earlier by Joe Bloggs reacting to comments about the credibility of witnesses. The only comment that needs to be made about this charade is, the Panama Papers Seven’s credibility hinges on Mossack Fonseca’s, Nexia BT’s and Pilatus’s honesty, inclination to keep complete records and not engage in backdating, forgery or subterfuge. It is [...]

GUEST POST: The consequences of today, tomorrow.

2018-07-26T13:14:26+02:00Thu, 26th Jul '18, 13:14|

By Amy Mallia: Malta has fallen upon dark times and it has been a long time coming. The dark cloud started looming over Malta around the time of the 2013 general election, when the Labour Party were voted into government and Joseph Muscat took Lawrence Gonzi's place as Prime Minister. That was only the beginning. [...]

Mossack Fonseca did not know who 75% of their clients were. Did we rely on their staff to identify Egrant?

2018-07-26T13:01:28+02:00Thu, 26th Jul '18, 13:01|

When the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists first broke the Pulitzer-wining story on the Panama Papers, Mossack Fonseca attempted to survive. It wanted to persuade its clients to stay on with them and to survive the crisis by simply changing the name of the intermediary they worked with. By way of example, Nexia BT in [...]

Adjectives give you away

2018-07-26T09:17:33+02:00Thu, 26th Jul '18, 09:17|

Since about last Friday everytime Joseph Muscat and those who work for him referred to Magistrate Aaron Bugeja, they added the adjective 'independent' in front of his name. No one throws a redundant adjective for nothing. They could have called him 'bipedal', 'law graduate', 'clothed'. All are as obvious as his independence. In that adjective [...]

Top comment: Why is this specific inquiry beyond question?

2018-07-25T19:50:17+02:00Wed, 25th Jul '18, 19:50|

Sent in by Santana on the drama about the publication of the Egrant inquiry report. Procès-verbaux have been questioned in court cases and partially or completely discredited before. Court experts appointed by inquiring magistrates have been grilled in court. Magistrates have concluded investigations which then had to be opened again. This begs the question: Why [...]

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