Raphael’s anal discharge

2019-02-07T14:04:23+01:00Thu, 7th Feb '19, 14:04|

Raphael Vassallo headlined his weekly column with this title: “‘Freedom of expression’ also means the freedom to talk out of your ass”. Never has a more appropriate heading been chosen for the article that would follow it. His main thrust is freedom of expression in Malta is a-ok and the moaners that complain it isn’t [...]

Guilty as fuck

2019-02-07T05:43:11+01:00Thu, 7th Feb '19, 02:51|

The Department of Information last night issued what must be, in the annals of its hallowed history, the most despicably iron-curtain piece of Newspeak ever to have been officially published by a government not bearing a hammer and a sickle on its badges. It took plenty of time to reach its point. There’s that classic [...]

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