When your government lies

2019-02-18T17:00:04+01:00Mon, 18th Feb '19, 17:00|

Within minutes of becoming aware of the UK House of Commons committee report confirming that it had seen evidence that contradicts Malta’s official version of events, Malta’s government repeated its line that the charge it met SCL before the 2013 election is baseless. Of course, there’s a lot that is upside down in the government’s [...]

Repubblika meets the steering committee on constitutional reform

2019-02-18T16:06:38+01:00Mon, 18th Feb '19, 16:06|

A delegation from Repubblika led by its president Marion Pace Asciak met today the President of Malta Marie Louise Coleiro Preca and the constitutional reform steering committee. Present at the meeting for the steering committee there were Louis Grech, Owen Bonnici and Tonio Borg. At the meeting, Repubblika affirmed that constitutional reform must follow a [...]

Westminster committee finds manueldelia.com report on SCL and Labour contacts pre-2013 correct. Overrules government declaration ‘it’s fake news’.

2019-02-18T09:24:21+01:00Mon, 18th Feb '19, 09:24|

The UK Parliament’s Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee has over-ruled denials by Malta’s government that Malta’s Labour Party “had dealings with the SCL Group for several years before the 2013 elections”. The SCL Group would set up Cambridge Analytica which would be at the centre of a major scandal of voter manipulation in several [...]

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