Come join us tonight. We’re meeting outside Castille at 18:30.

Mario Vella (not the governor of the Central Bank who studied in communist East Germany but protects the broken corporatism of today) but the real leftie with his heart firmly in the right place, the unsurpassable poet and inimitable political musician has just announced on Facebook he’s joining our protest tonight in Valletta.

I hope and pray his example spreads far and wide. Read Mario Vella’s post below. He’s not going to start liking me after today and I don’t mind one bit. All I can feel right now is the delight that whatever our different views we agree on one important thing. We do not want to be governed by crooks, let alone people whose crimes have been covered up by murder. We can go on to disagree tomorrow. Today we have to fight this fight.

Thank you Mario Vella. Bring your friends.