GUEST POST: Bernard Grech is not what he seems

2021-05-07T16:45:41+02:00Fri, 7th May '21, 16:45|

Sent in by someone known to me. It only took six months for Bernard Grech’s mask to slip.  He is not better than Adrian Delia, maybe not worse, but certainly not better, for yesterday’s dealings with Jason Azzopardi and Adrian Delia was not an exercise in safeguarding the Nationalist Party and democracy in the long [...]

WATCH: Humingration – on the other side of the sea

2021-05-07T11:30:07+02:00Fri, 7th May '21, 11:30|

Find the time to watch this new documentary called "Humanigration - On the other shore of the sea", a film by TotalEU Production on migration and the impact of Covid-19 on new illegal routes. The film is a journalistic journey between the main dimensions that are currently shaping migrants' experiences in their travels to Europe [...]

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