Public land is not in the gift of ministers

2022-11-09T13:29:43+01:00Wed, 9th Nov '22, 13:29|

Decisions handed down today by Judge Lawrence Mintoff are important for several reasons. The decisions are of course about the enjoyment of the Miżieb woodlands by people not carrying a weapon. Just because hunters have a strong lobby does not mean they have any right to privileges unavailable to others and whatever ministers promised them [...]

It’s time to toughen child rape laws

2022-11-09T12:42:11+01:00Wed, 9th Nov '22, 12:42|

An 11-year prison sentence was confirmed yesterday on a school bus driver who raped, twice, an 8-year-old girl entrusted to him to bring home from school. The violence occurred several years ago when the perpetrator was 24 years old. He threatened his victim, saying he would hurt her sister if she spoke out. On multiple [...]

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