Here’s Evarist Bartolo on Facebook today:
“Il-jum it-tajjeb. Wara l-qtil brutali ta’ Daphne Caruana Galizia nhar it-Tnejn qed iqumu hafna mistoqsijiet serji u nkwetanti.
Min ried jaghlqilha halqha f’daqqa wahda? Ghal tant snin ikkritikat bl-ahrax nies li qatt ma ghamlulha xejn. Xi tfacca gdid fl-ahhar xhur?
Wahda mill-konsegwenzi ta’ dan il-qtil kien it-tharbit tal-progress socjali u ekonomiku li qed jaghmel il-pajjiz?
Fl-interess ta’ min li x-xoghol qawwi tal-gvern biex itejjeb il-hajja tal-Maltin u l-Ghawdxin jisfaxxa?
Sahha u sliem.”
That the Minister of Education cannot spell the national language properly would in any other country be cause for his dismissal. But this is not any other country. This is a country where journalists get killed. And the political regime then tries to pin the murder on the political opposition.
Pietru Pawl Busuttil passed on in good time not to see this happen a second time in his life.
Look at what Evarist Bartolo is worried about. That the myth of l-aqwa żmien, the fiction of a surplus, has now collapsed under the truth of the catastrophe this government has driven our country to.
Evarist Bartolo, and his boss Joseph Muscat, could never stomach the fact that Daphne Caruana Galizia’s agenda of truth could distract people away from their lies, their incompetence and their corruption. Throughout her journalistic life they spoke of her “agenda” and how it could not divert attention from their own. In her death, her ultimate sacrifice, Daphne Caruana Galizia’s agenda of truth has drowned the myth of the best of times and this inebriated illusion has transformed into a reality of the worst of times.