About Manuel Delia

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So far Manuel Delia has created 7980 blog entries.

Huawei considering withdrawal from the West: presumably, ​Malta is not the West.

2019-01-23T08:47:31+01:00Wed, 23rd Jan '19, 08:47|

Huawei Chairman Liang Hua warned his company could move away from Western countries if it continues to face restrictions and focus instead on countries where it is welcome. He was speaking at the World Economic Forum in Davos addressing decisions by multiple countries to restrict the use of Huawei technology in their strategic telecommunications network. [...]

Relative risks

2019-01-23T07:26:14+01:00Wed, 23rd Jan '19, 07:26|

The European Commission will in a report today warn that so-called ‘golden visa’ schemes pose a risk to EU security. Malta’s citizenship for cash scheme will be named along with other investor visa or passport schemes offered by European countries including the UK. This sort of report gives some comfort to those looking for moral [...]


2019-01-22T17:21:26+01:00Tue, 22nd Jan '19, 17:21|

Pierre Portelli testified in court today to say it was his decision for the PN media to refuse to cover my response to a story they reported that said this blog had reported the PN voted for the cannabis law. I had not reported that. They refused to correct it. And I insisted in court [...]

THE SUNDAY TIMES: Thirteen reasons why…

2019-01-20T14:55:29+01:00Sun, 20th Jan '19, 14:55|

From my article in The Sunday Times today: "Our democracy is not working. Our parliamentarians have no mission. Being an MP is not a job. There is no task, no vocation, no ambition. Parliament is a waiting area for promotion and prestige. The process of seeking re-election is not liberating, it is paralysing. They’re at [...]

Truth and Justice: Estelle Spiteri

2019-01-19T21:41:33+01:00Sat, 19th Jan '19, 21:41|

https://youtu.be/bp6uGdab3yg Today marks 14 months since the country lost its most prominent journalist. 14 months of anger and frustration, of protests and determination. But we are 14 months closer to justice for Daphne Caruana Galizia. I would like to read a short passage taken from a piece titled ‘Like a Nervous Pigeon, My Unsettled State [...]

Guest Post: Too late for betrayal

2019-01-19T17:49:29+01:00Sat, 19th Jan '19, 17:49|

Sent in by Lake: I was always proud to call myself a Nationalist. Proud in the thought that my party and the majority of its supporters shared my same values. Values built on the foundations of a fair and functioning democracy, equal justice for all and ultimately freedom of speech. Those same values that Eddie Fenech Adami taught [...]

Truth and Justice: Pia Zammit

2019-01-19T17:22:13+01:00Sat, 19th Jan '19, 17:22|

https://youtu.be/1B4ywpMrbqY 15 months ago our lives changed. 15 months ago we recoiled in shock as we learned about the brutal assassination of Daphne Caruana Galizia. 15 months ago we watched in horror as the people who are supposed to lead us, failed to react appropriately. We knew then that we couldn’t be silent. One of [...]

Truth and Justice: Mark Fenech

2019-01-19T17:56:05+01:00Fri, 18th Jan '19, 07:33|

https://youtu.be/hVc4qJMr-FA Demokrazija. Libertà. Żewġ kelmiet differenti li ma jgħaddux mingħajr xulxin. Xi tfisser id-demokrazija? Xi fisser il-libertà? Hawn min jaħseb li biżżejjed li poplu jmur jivvota darba kull 5 snin biex pajjiżu jkun jista’ jiġi kwalifikat bħala wieħed demokratiku u ħieles. Naħseb li lkoll taqblu miegħi li dawn il-kliem ifissru wisq iżjed minn hekk. Fost [...]

#occupyjustice: The Crumbling Pillars of Malta

2019-01-16T21:21:27+01:00Wed, 16th Jan '19, 21:21|

This statement was issued by Occupy Justice this evening: Three huge banners depicting Three Crumbling Pillars of Democracy were unfurled opposite the building of the Maltese parliament this evening in Valletta by #occupyjustice activists to mark 15 months since the assassination of the journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia. The banners showed three collapsing columns symbolising the executive (the government); the legislature (parliament) and the [...]

Maria Efimova receives Special Recognition Award from Blueprint for Free Speech

2019-01-16T10:30:26+01:00Wed, 16th Jan '19, 19:45|

Pilatus Bank whistleblower Maria Efimova is being honoured tonight by Australian-based free speech organisation ‘Blueprint for Free Speech’.  Past awardees include Chelsea Manning who spent 7 years in prison for revealing war crimes perpetrated by the US military, John Kiriakou who uncovered the use of torture by the US intelligence community, Raj Mattu who uncovered [...]

Friends of animals

2019-01-16T14:04:22+01:00Wed, 16th Jan '19, 14:04|

Eight mallards flew over Valletta and the event was so extraordinarily rare that the self-proclaimed bird-shooter in Joseph Muscat’s government shoots them with the only gun he’s allowed to carry inside the Auberge de Castille: the hi-res camera on the back of his phone. This guy, Clint Camilleri, who can’t sit through a Cabinet meeting [...]

Touch of class

2019-01-16T13:49:06+01:00Wed, 16th Jan '19, 13:40|

Please see this post on Lovin Malta reviewing a new TV show on PN TV station Net. It’s in that Lovin Malta taking the Mickey style of theirs so you might at first get the impression this is a breezy crit of another painfully unwatchable piece of junk on Maltese television. Who the hell watches [...]

Further away from democracy than we’ve ever been

2019-01-16T12:25:38+01:00Wed, 16th Jan '19, 12:25|

Robert Musumeci continued his passionate campaign in defence of Adrian Delia in a Times Talk interview today. Even though most of us are neither architects nor lawyers and even less of us are both, we can all see Robert Musumeci’s cunning plan for what it is. He is deeply invested in the status quo and [...]

A painful memory

2019-01-15T10:13:16+01:00Tue, 15th Jan '19, 10:13|

On a comments board of this website, May Borg shared a comment Daphne Caruana Galizia had written as the moderator of the comments under her own website. Even those who read her blog very rarely will remember the post by seeing this image: It was February 2016 and Daphne told her readers she was bursting [...]

PN youth wing ‘likes’ post criticising party leadership

2019-01-15T09:48:21+01:00Tue, 15th Jan '19, 09:47|

Though not quite the ANC youth wing, the MŻPN seems to be flexing its muscles. Occupy Justice posted yesterday on their Twitter account one of their biting series “True Warriors” that highlights massive gaps in positions that an Opposition party would normally be expected to take. A post yesterday by Occupy Justice reminded the PN [...]

Owen’s task force

2019-01-15T09:18:41+01:00Tue, 15th Jan '19, 09:18|

This is Strasbourg yesterday. They keep the Christmas elves in their shop windows rather longer there. The mementoes left there are in memory of the victims of the December terror attack. Some will say that's incomparable with the ones activists leave in Valletta since Daphne Caruana Galizia was killed because that's more than a year [...]

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