Poor excuse for a human

2019-06-21T15:06:10+02:00Fri, 21st Jun '19, 13:53|

It is the liars that accuse journalists of fake news. And the people who are consumed with irrepressible bitterness and hate are the ones who call writers hate-mongers. Frank Portelli is both. I can never forget the chilling feeling of seeing him stand for the leadership of the Nationalist Party theatrically casting aside a piece [...]

Kurt Farrugia leaving Castille – sources

2019-06-19T18:10:43+02:00Wed, 19th Jun '19, 18:10|

Separate sources have told this website that the chief government spokesman Kurt Farrugia is leaving his job in Castille to take over the running of the government's foreign investment agency, Malta Enterprise. Kurt Farrugia has been a central figure of Joseph Muscat's administration from its very first day. He was the only person trusted by [...]


2019-06-19T18:04:07+02:00Wed, 19th Jun '19, 18:04|

Someone with a serious case of pathological optimism described the outcome of yesterday’s meeting of the PN’s parliamentary group as a truce, a temporary ceasefire of sorts while a modus vivendi is found. Armistices can be reached because combatants become exhausted and stop being confident further military action could bring them any closer to the [...]

Is Neville Gafa’ on another ‘personal’ trip to Libya?

2019-06-19T11:32:58+02:00Wed, 19th Jun '19, 11:32|

Neville Gafa', whose job in the government has never been specified, was part of an official government delegation yesterday meeting the Prime Minister of Libya Ahmed Maiteeq. After some uproar when he was identified in official photographs of the Libyan government, Neville Gafa' was last November "formally asked by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs" what [...]

Maltese ambassador ‘misrepresents himself’ as UN ambassador, Sicilian news site says

2019-06-19T11:00:38+02:00Wed, 19th Jun '19, 11:00|

Malta’s ambassador to Bulgaria Ray Bondin has been accepting the hospitality of Sicilian town councils allowing them to believe he holds a UN office he has been out of since 2013. The news was reported by Sicilian news organisation ragusanews.com that reported the Mayor and Council of Gela yesterday hosted Ray Bondin with much pomp [...]

Happy Day. Unless you’re Silvio Debono.

2019-06-19T10:45:04+02:00Wed, 19th Jun '19, 10:40|

It’s a day for toasting Moviment Graffitti and civil society today. Facing incredibly overwhelming odds they took legal action to stop the development of the dB monstrosity over St George’s Bay and the court agreed with them the permit was issued in spite of a flagrant conflict of interest involving a member of the planning [...]

This post features Pierre Portelli

2019-06-19T08:20:53+02:00Wed, 19th Jun '19, 08:20|

It felt good answering the call of Moviment Graffitti yesterday to march in solidarity with people who lost their homes to the greed of next door construction projects and to protest against those whose greed brought their losses about. Wayne Flask’s literary speech was not just enviable prose. It was a manifesto of anger and [...]

Repubblika on the intimidation of MPs

2019-06-18T15:56:21+02:00Tue, 18th Jun '19, 15:56|

Statement by Repubblika of today: Repubblika is deeply concerned at what appear to be coordinated attacks and attempts at intimidating Members of Parliament in an effort to get them to submit and comply with views and opinions held by an unquantified number of vociferous individuals. Our Parliamentary democracy needs our Members of Parliament to function [...]

GUEST POST: ( r ) evolution.

2019-06-18T15:28:52+02:00Tue, 18th Jun '19, 15:28|

Sent in by a new guest contributor that will go by the name of Baskerville. The author is known to me. evolution noun the gradual development of something. Revolution noun a forcible overthrow of a government or social order, in favour of a new system. Like any other organisation and institution, the PN has evolved [...]

Facebook poultry

2019-06-18T14:08:43+02:00Tue, 18th Jun '19, 14:08|

Despite the impression having been given weeks ago that he would be present for cross-examination, Pierre Portelli didn’t show up in court this morning “because he wasn’t notified”. The fact that he wasn’t notified and didn’t attend didn’t stop him from making snide remarks on his Facebook page, of course. But that’s Facebook, not real [...]

GUEST POST: Out for blood

2019-06-18T13:41:40+02:00Tue, 18th Jun '19, 13:41|

Filed by regular autho Tyndareus. If you thought Pierre Portelli is going to hang up his boots… you’ve got another one coming. All the signs are there that he’s not giving up any time soon. In his ‘resignation’ letter, Portelli states: “I will continue to support your resolve to push a new way for the [...]

Did you say resignation?

2019-06-18T08:40:41+02:00Tue, 18th Jun '19, 08:05|

This could prove to be a very interesting day in court. Pierre Portelli is due for cross-examination in the case I filed against the PN last August because by his own admission he decided not to carry a brief statement in reply to wrongful reporting on NET TV. They had said at the time I [...]

Truth and Justice: Sabatino Caso

2019-06-17T18:58:20+02:00Mon, 17th Jun '19, 18:58|

https://youtu.be/1mCFsFr7Ef0 We are here tonight to remember Daphne Caruana Galizia, a courageous woman. On behalf of the Community of Sant'Egidio, I'm here to convey our solidarity to Daphne's family, to the people who supported her with affection, to those who are carrying on her project. We learn about Daphne's story thanks to Daphne project, which [...]

Truth and Justice: Ana Maria Garrido Ramos

2019-06-17T17:38:20+02:00Mon, 17th Jun '19, 17:38|

https://youtu.be/ww62bLYeOtI For more than twenty years, I worked for the government of my country; specifically in the town hall of a large municipality located next to the city of Madrid, in Spain. I loved my job, I was a public employee by vocation. Around the year 2007, they began to pressure me to sign illegal [...]

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