Sent in by a new guest contributor that will go by the name of Baskerville. The author is known to me.

the gradual development of something.

a forcible overthrow of a government or social order, in favour of a new system.

Like any other organisation and institution, the PN has evolved over time. It read the signs of the times always striving to achieve the best for Malta and its people. Throughout its glorious days, the PN was a powerful force that brought the majority of people behind it who believed in its vision, values and way of doing things. It read the signs of the times, adapted, put forward a vision for Malta; whether the famous Xoghol, Gustizja u Liberta, or European Union membership, the PN was clear in what it what it stood for. It evolved according to the society it was creating itself in Government.

At some point, the PN stopped evolving. It stopped understanding the very own society it created itself. It did not restructure itself as an organisation nor renew itself as a political party. It remained stuck. The Old Guard did not allow the young blood to find themselves and carve out a new party within itself. The result is, today’s state of affairs. A Party that faces oblivion.

It is no longer a case of evolution.

It is a case of a revolution.

It would be unfair to pin everything on the current leadership as this state of affairs has been long coming. However, this leadership is now beyond redemption.

A revolution is needed which radically changes the PN.

However, the PN is not in a state to have a leadership race. It will do more harm than good. What needs to be done is an interim team takes control of the Party with the possible re-conciliatory move of keeping Delia as Leader of Opposition. However, no current Party officials should be kept. The resignation of Pierre Portelli is the beginning of this, however more people need to be purged and this include Jean Pierre Debono and Clyde Puli. The interim team will have an arduous task of saving the Party. The decisions that need to be taken are so major and fundamental, that none of these decisions should be pinned on a new leader as the internal political price will be too high.

In an upcoming set of posts that will appear on this blog, I will share a more in-depth analysis of what needs to be done. Such a series can be seen as a manifesto to change and it is precisely for this reason that for now, I am remaining anonymous so that for once a discussion is able to happen on the matter and not on the person.

This must no longer be a question of egos, but it needs to be a question of principles and a vision to save the Nationalist Party which in effect needs to safeguard the country.