Robert Musumeci is rarely limpid in his writings. Inevitably it’s as muddled as his thinking. His conflicted loyalties layered on his convoluted verbosity condition his output.
But he was having one of his momentary lapses of clarity when he tweeted his description of critics of the leader of the Nationalist Party: they’re ‘Enemies of the State’ he wrote, in caps, which I can’t bring myself to do because it’s just too naffing.
It is incredible how those who can never regain the numbers go about dismissing the democratically elected. The #Malta version of ENEMIES OF THE STATE. @adriandeliapn those who manage to move on, come out even stronger. I tell you from experience.— Robert Musumeci (@ROB_MUSUMECI) December 26, 2018
A few days earlier he had tweeted how thanks to Joseph Muscat’s sowing of the seeds of love (I’m not paraphrasing here), Labour Party supporters love Adrian Delia so they, clearly, are on the side of the State.
Ir-rejazzjoni tal-Laburisti ghal dak li esprima Adrian Delia waqt @xarabankonlin turi kemm Joseph Muscat irnexxielu jizra s-sentiment ta’ mhabba ghall-proxxmu fost il-partitarji tieghu.— Robert Musumeci (@ROB_MUSUMECI) December 21, 2018
By the same logic, Adrian Delia is the State in this Musumecan cosmology.
He tweeted yesterday how the “Holier Than Thou” (moi?) will adopt a strategy that “will surpass all limits”. So Robert Musumeci, from his cocoon deep within the favour of the Labour Party called for “PN core to support unconditionally their democratically elected leader”.
The strategy which will be adopted by the Holier Than Thou to dismiss @adriandeliapn in the coming days will surpass all limits. Time for @PNmalta core to support unconditionally their democratically elected leader.— Robert Musumeci (@ROB_MUSUMECI) December 26, 2018
What is this? Tiananmen? Unconditionally?
We don’t expect spouses to support each other unconditionally. We don’t ask women to submit to their husband’s belt. Or children their parents. Filial loyalty is conditional on parental protection and affection.
Or employees their boss. If your commanding officer gives information to the enemy it is your duty to break the chain of command not continue following orders.
We’ve walked out of the Middle Ages some time ago. We support a leader as long as we feel she deserves the support. We withdraw it if we feel she doesn’t live up to expectations.
On his Twitter
“With Adrian Delia at the helm, there is no way for the PN to displace our emperor Joseph Muscat”.
Obviously the reason I support Adrian Delia is that he’s a bit like Alfred Sant. With him at the helm, there is no way for the on to displace @JosephMuscat_JM our emperor— Robert MUSUMECl (@ROB_MUSUMECl) December 26, 2018
Someone later pointed out to me that’s a spoof account. Uncomfortably close to reality to the point that the two are practically indistinguishable.
In the meantime what to do with the description ‘enemy of the State’? What’s the punishment these days for placing oneself outside the community as Robert Musumeci defines it? Hanging and quartering? Burning at the stake? Death by Facebook insults? Car-bomb?