The sign is hardly the problem, Byron Camilleri

2021-02-05T16:00:12+01:00Fri, 5th Feb '21, 11:57|

Byron Camilleri said today he ordered the removal of a sign put up in prison by its director Alex Dalli that told prison staff they must teach “fear” to prisoners. Byron Camilleri said he “learned of the existence of this notice in (his) first few days as home affairs minister, and (he) had taken steps [...]

GUEST POST: Einstein and Clyde

2021-02-05T07:22:12+01:00Fri, 5th Feb '21, 07:22|

Newly minted minister for the Finance Clyde Caruana reportedly said that his predecessor Edward Scicluna, raised the remuneration of the Governor of the Central Bank by €11,000 to €100,000 per annum because of relativity and not because Scicluna was manoeuvring to slither into this position once he’d resigned from ministerial office. Now that’s a new [...]

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