“Temporary resignation”

2021-02-25T16:39:46+01:00Thu, 25th Feb '21, 16:39|

Rosianne Cutajar told the prime minister she was “offering her resignation pending the process” of the investigation into her allegedly unethical conduct by the Commissioner for Standards in Public Life. There is no way a minister can qualify their resignation as temporary. When one resigns, they have resigned. End of. It is then entirely in [...]

Rosianne resigned

2021-02-25T15:22:32+01:00Thu, 25th Feb '21, 15:17|

Her departure from government is long overdue. She is trying to present her resignation today as temporary . She says she'll clear her name and since Robert Abela has not gone as far as firing her, there might be something in that plan. She's already started her campaigning for her return to government. Here she [...]

TVM discussion on case against Daphne’s killers

2021-02-25T14:49:24+01:00Thu, 25th Feb '21, 14:49|

L-Erbgħa fost il-Ġimgħa last night had a manel (that's a panel composed entirely of men who in this case met to perorate about a woman) discussing the current state of play in the criminal proceedings against the killers of Daphne Caruana Galizia. I was part of the manel, so I find myself having to apologise [...]

Now this is new, migrants arriving ashore unnoticed.

2021-02-25T14:31:46+01:00Thu, 25th Feb '21, 14:31|

Five days ago, five men were apprehended by the police coming up the road from Wied iż-Żurrieq. They had entered the fishing harbour apparently on their own steam or whatever it was their boat was powered bybecause apparently, though they looked for it, the police and the army never found the vessel the migrants got [...]

Did you say case closed? I didn’t think so.

2021-02-25T12:26:41+01:00Thu, 25th Feb '21, 12:26|

We’re getting a lot of sophistry masked as clarity. First, the prime minister said that convicted Daphne-killer Vince Muscat had not named a politician in the context of Daphne’s murder. That’s not what we heard from Newsbook so the question was put to Angelo Gafà. He was weirdly even more categorical. Whoever is pointed to by [...]

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