GUEST POST: I will not forgive Labour

2022-02-15T14:18:50+01:00Tue, 15th Feb '22, 14:18|

Notwithstanding the reversal of the decision, I will not forgive the Labour government for giving away a large area of countryside at Żonqor for development in May 2015. Labour and its then-leader Joseph Muscat gave away an area of 90,000 square metres (equivalent to 18 football pitches) of Outside Development Zone land to the American [...]

GUEST POST: Malta, through a glass darkly

2022-02-15T14:12:34+01:00Tue, 15th Feb '22, 14:12|

A portrait of Malta’s indecisive society? It is only those in good health and free from suffering who can live looking towards the future. The rest - weak and in extreme suffering - just lie there, in the middle of the road, without certainties, without conviction and even now, at least in part, victims of [...]

Strasbourg rights commissioner reports on Malta

2022-02-15T11:01:27+01:00Tue, 15th Feb '22, 11:01|

Watch this video which summarises the report of Human Rights Commissioner Dunja Mijatović after her October 2021 visit to Malta. Commissioner for Human Rights's Report on Malta 2022 from Council of Europe OP Services on Vimeo. The full report is linked here: CommDH(2022)1_ Report on the visit to Malta_EN

The only ‘good news’ the government is in a position to announce are promises to fix the messes they made

2022-02-15T10:51:41+01:00Tue, 15th Feb '22, 10:51|

The prime minister announced that the government will be taking back the Żonqor area and the Senglea open space that had been allocated to the phantom so-called American University of Malta. He announced it the way he meant it to sound, like a gift by the government to its core constituency, entitling him to their [...]

Mock shock

2022-02-15T10:27:00+01:00Tue, 15th Feb '22, 10:27|

Jacob Borg striding inches behind politicians rushing towards the safety of that fortress we still call the Auberge de Castille, one hand in his pocket like a rebel without a cause, the other holding up a microphone, is fast becoming a sub-genre of contemporary, low-budget, Maltese cinema. His latest guest star, Robert Abela, must surely [...]

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