Day 4: (5) Book your place on the love boat

2022-02-24T17:03:17+01:00Thu, 24th Feb '22, 17:03|

I’ll just leave this here. Perhaps you want to suggest they drive by Pilatus Bank again for a street party. Or St Luke’s Hospital. Or the Dellimara Power Station. Or Satabank. Hop aboard on the themed ride of Labour’s glory.

Day 4: (4) You can’t be neutral on a moving train

2022-02-24T17:01:14+01:00Thu, 24th Feb '22, 17:01|

I’ve seen remarks by some civil society advocates reminding the government of our neutrality obligations and insisting Malta refuses to take sides in the conflict in Eastern Europe. People who make these remarks studiously avoid identifying Russia as an aggressor. They falsely equate “the two sides” and urge Malta to remain equidistant from them. For [...]

Day 4: (3) It’s all in the headline

2022-02-24T16:59:43+01:00Thu, 24th Feb '22, 16:59|

This is what passes for political discourse on the eve of a general election. This headline translates as “Payment cheques all year round if you vote to get them”. Robert Abela, addressing the elderly, sums up his political stump speech to what elections should never be, a transaction. Social services and support are presented as [...]

Day 4: (3) Joseph Muscat’s vanishing reappearing act

2022-02-24T16:58:17+01:00Thu, 24th Feb '22, 16:58|

Joseph Muscat is nowhere to be seen (yet) at formal Labour Party events. But apparently, he’s very much in demand at constituency events organised by Labour Party candidates. And he’s obliging. There’s something profoundly disturbing in this. Labour Party candidates continue to consider a friendly relationship with Joseph Muscat, even the public reception of his [...]

Day 4: (2) Irranġali sir

2022-02-24T16:56:52+01:00Thu, 24th Feb '22, 16:56|

Scandals have emerged in the last few months of traffic fines issued by traffic wardens thrown in the fire of oblivion to help someone dodge the law. In one case it appears to have allowed a business tycoon (and suspected criminal) to profiting from a racket of charging their clients for traffic fines that are [...]

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