
2022-02-09T16:11:43+01:00Wed, 9th Feb '22, 16:11|

Parliament is debating a new law that will criminalise cyberstalking and cyberbullying. Anyone convicted of these new crimes is looking at a maximum of 5 years in prison. Cyberstalking happens when someone attempts to cause harm to someone else by contacting them over some device, or causes their computer or device to do something, or [...]

Electoral ennui (Part 2)

2022-02-09T10:51:22+01:00Wed, 9th Feb '22, 10:51|

In the first part of this article, I argued that rather than bringing to a head the important issues facing our country, the proximity of the general election is slowing down progress, deflating interest, and generally chilling the passions they have, in the past, inflamed. Here are 6 examples of what I mean by important [...]

An appeal

2022-02-10T19:24:26+01:00Wed, 9th Feb '22, 10:48|

Every page on this website that you visit asks for your financial support so this show is kept on the road. It’s inevitable that what is always there is, over time, ignored as background noise. I thank every subscriber that supports this website with automatic monthly payments. You are not many, which makes your generosity [...]

Electoral ennui (Part 1)

2022-02-09T10:51:50+01:00Wed, 9th Feb '22, 10:45|

One of Michael McIntyre’s more relatable skits is the one about walking under the street decorations bombarded by that Mariah Carey song and saying ‘I don’t know what it is but I just haven’t felt Christmassy yet this year. I’m trying. I just got nothing.’ And then it comes, in the latter part of December, [...]

House-keeping notice

2022-02-09T10:42:42+01:00Wed, 9th Feb '22, 10:42|

If you’ve visited this website over the last couple of days you will have been prompted by a notice about cookies asking you to confirm whether you agree or disagree with the storage of data about your visit. This short note is here to tell you that the notice is indeed part of this website [...]

A pulpit in cinemascope

2022-02-09T10:40:59+01:00Wed, 9th Feb '22, 10:40|

The Italians use the idiom ‘da quale pulpito viene la predica’. Look at this sermon by one Justin Farrugia, an audio-visual company owner who, bucking the trend set by other film-makers and TV producers, thought that the €2 million film awards night (the figure is unconfirmed but undenied by the government) was a great idea. [...]

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