I wonder if the hunters see the funny side

2022-11-10T12:48:12+01:00Thu, 10th Nov '22, 12:48|

So, this is the evidence, such as it is, that the hunters have to back their argument that Miżieb was destined to be theirs. In 2011, when Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici had been out of government for 24 years, the former prime minister typed out a letter so the hunters could prove that it had been [...]


2022-11-10T12:38:27+01:00Thu, 10th Nov '22, 12:38|

I drove my daughter to school today because she needed to carry stuff that wouldn’t make sense on her daily school van. I’m a bad daddy when I’m driving my children, especially first thing in the morning. My thoughts wander and the children mostly give up on getting my attention long enough for anything like [...]

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