About Manuel Delia

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So far Manuel Delia has created 7980 blog entries.

Draft European Parliament resolution “seriously concerned about democracy in Malta”. Calls for Commission “to ensure European values”.

2017-11-10T22:49:19+01:00Fri, 10th Nov '17, 22:49|

An advanced copy of the draft resolution that will be debated next week by the European Parliament during a debate on rule of law in Malta shows MEPs are expected to express regret that developments in Malta in recent years have led to serious concerns about the rule of law, democracy and fundamental rights including [...]

Applied psychology

2017-11-10T17:02:19+01:00Fri, 10th Nov '17, 15:53|

In 1941 Charles Chaplin parodied Adolph Hitler at the peak of his power in The Great Dictator. There's a scene where his Hynkel (Hitler) receives advice from his henchman Garbitsch (Goebells) about how to deal with someone who was coming to see him at a meeting. That someone Napoloni (Mussolini) made Hynkel nervous and Garbitsch [...]

High Russian interest in Konrad Mizzi’s Panama company months after he said he was winding it down

2017-11-10T11:59:59+01:00Fri, 10th Nov '17, 11:59|

In a guest post published earlier today, Godfrey Leone Ganado, said he found that between June and September 2016 at least 81 downloads were made in Russia of Dato Capital's file on Konrad Mizzi's secret Panama company Hearnville Inc. Data Capital is  an international company information service provider. This high interest in Russia persisted through [...]

GUEST POST: Godfrey Leone Ganado on the ‘draft’ FIAU report on Konrad Mizzi

2017-11-10T11:58:51+01:00Fri, 10th Nov '17, 11:58|

By Godfrey Leone Ganado So far, I have reviewed the leaked Financial Intelligence Analysis Unit (FIAU) reports on ‘allegations of corruption by Keith Schembri on the sale of passports’, on ‘alleged payments made by Keith Schembri to Adrian Hillman’ and on ‘Pilatus Bank’. Konrad Mizzi may have been perceived to have escaped the FIAU net, [...]

When they were still innocent

2017-11-09T21:39:24+01:00Thu, 9th Nov '17, 21:39|

Manwel Mallia and Owen Bonnici piloted the Whistleblower Act in July 2013 when the Labour government was still in its honeymoon and no one outside the walls of the prime minister’s studio knew about the Panama conspiracy. Back then Manwel Mallia and Owen Bonnici had not yet left the frame of mind of an opposition [...]

REPLY: Dr Alex Scerri Herrera

2017-11-09T21:02:55+01:00Thu, 9th Nov '17, 21:02|

The following reply was sent in by Dr Alex Scerri Herrera in response to an earlier post of mine. In the interest of fairness responses are not open to comments unless on points of fact. From Dr Alex Scerri Herrera I am writing to you with reference to the article you wrote referring to my appointment [...]

Translating Alfred Sant

2017-11-09T19:27:52+01:00Thu, 9th Nov '17, 19:27|

I feel it is my burdensome duty to attempt to translate Alfred Sant, first from the original Maltese to English and then from the what he says to what he means and in a round-about way to get to what it is that what he means, means. Timid translation from the original, penned by a [...]

If the state is hiding something, it probably means we should know what it is

2017-11-09T18:32:39+01:00Thu, 9th Nov '17, 18:32|

Here's David Casa reacting to Manwel Mallia's remarks earlier about hounding people who revealed information covered up by the government. No one thinks the agenda of a police investigation or people's medical records should be opened for public consumption. So let's not be childish and start confusing issues here. But the principle ought always to [...]

GUEST POST: Letter to the police chief

2017-11-09T17:51:45+01:00Thu, 9th Nov '17, 17:51|

I suppose it helps to periodically remind that 'guest post' means someone else (I know) wrote this: Letter to the Commissioner of Police Over the past days I was struck by the thought of the immense amount of pressure you must be experiencing. Having been brought up in a strong military environment, and having risen [...]

Pana Committee report: damning criticism of Malta

2017-11-08T17:15:55+01:00Wed, 8th Nov '17, 17:12|

The Pana Committee setup by the European Parliament in the wake of the Panama Paper leak, has published its final report and it makes chilling reading from Malta’s point of view. There is nothing we did not know before but it is now a clear and present indictment by a specialist committee of the European [...]

Freudian slip

2017-11-08T16:10:34+01:00Wed, 8th Nov '17, 16:10|

Watch this video of Owen Bonnici speaking to Le Monde. It's in English. And they say government's critics are making Malta look bad in the eyes of the world. And it's not just that he lets slip he thinks politicians killed Daphne Caruana Galizia. It's also that he argues, expecting that argument to be bought by [...]

They investigate themselves!

2017-11-08T16:02:01+01:00Wed, 8th Nov '17, 16:02|

Is it just me that cannot understand the way things work in this country? Hear me out. On 3 November, 5 days ago, Il Sole 24 Ore reports in Italy that the Catania tax police believe that a Malta Foreign Ministry official aided and abetted the illegal smuggling of diesel from Libya to Europe by [...]

What #occupyjustice told the prime minister

2017-11-08T13:53:57+01:00Wed, 8th Nov '17, 13:53|

This is the statement the women received by the prime minister today, told him in his office in Castille. A translation in English follows beneath. Prim Ministru, Ninsabu hawn għax il-qagħda f’pajjiżna hi ddisprata. Wieħed jista jipprova jqis l-assassinju ta’ Daphne Caruana Galizia qisu kien omiċidju bħall-oħrajn, imma dan m’hux minnu. Hu dmir [...]

When hypocrisy is transparent

2017-11-08T08:58:47+01:00Wed, 8th Nov '17, 08:58|

Jean Claude Micallef is not famous for his consistency. He flipflopped between Labour and the PN according to where he thought his chances for career progression were better served. The PN first received him as parties habitually welcome sheep lost by the other side. But as his oily sleaze ran up the creeped-out collective spines [...]

TVM is another failed institution of our democracy

2017-11-07T14:28:05+01:00Tue, 7th Nov '17, 13:11|

As far as I can figure out TVM has not covered the Paradise Papers leaks. It’s not that they did not analyse the Azerbaijani connections to Malta and Pilatus Bank. It’s not that they avoided joining dots bouncing furiously at each other. They didn’t even report the fact that Pulitzer-Prize winning ICIJ team have leaked [...]

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